Some Homopteran Images

These are some pictures of Homopteran foreparts which I took to help me remember some of the species that I found. There appear to be very few images on the web, so these may be of use to other people.

There is no guarantee that the naming is correct, although I have done my best to check, and I shall be pleased to have any feedback, and to change names where necessary.

John Partridge

Agallia consobrina
Aphrodes bicinctus, male
Aphrodes bicinctus, female
Artheldeus pascuellus
Athysanus argentarius
Eupteryx aurata
Eupteryx stachydearum
Eupteryx urticae
Evacanthus interruptus
Macropsis scutellata
Mocydia crocea
Stenocranus minutus
