By Harry Green
The final programme was as follows
10.00 | Arrival and coffee/tea and biscuits |
10.30 | Welcome and introduction on development of the WBRC Geoff Trevis (Chairman WBRC steering committee) |
10.40 | Proposals for the development of Worcestershire BRC following consultant’s report - Pauline Homer (Worcestershire County Council) |
11.10 | Progress in computerisation of WBRC records - John Partridge |
11.20 | Worcestershire Record - Harry Green (Editor) |
11.25 | Bees, wasps and ant - records of common species required - Geoff Trevis |
Mike Archer is a national and international hymenopterist based in York. He has visited Hartlebury Common and the Devil’s Spittleful for over ten years to find and record their bees, wasps and ants. He has found many rare and important species, and these areas are probably the most important of Midland heaths. Amongst the species are the Bee Wolf and wasps that stock their nest holes with paralysed spiders, beetles or caterpillars.
12.30 | Worcestershire Heathland moths - Dave Scott |
12.55 | BTO Surveys - Harry Green |
1.00 | LUNCH bring your own sandwiches! |
2.00 | New hectad moth atlas for Hereford & Worcester.- Tony Simpson (County lepidoptera recorder) |
2.20 | Narrow-leaved helleborine in Wyre Forest - Rosemary Winnall |
2.35 | Conifer dormice - Phil Rudlin |
3.00 | The proposed new Worcestershire Mammal Survey |
3.15 | Photos from Mill Meadow.-.Kevin McGee |
3.35 | From the Worcestershire Flora Project - Bert Reid |
3.50 | Natural areas of Worcestershire - John Day |
4.15 | Ends |
Hopefully most people found more than one item of interest! Mike Archer’s methods for the assessment of a "value index" for heathland based on his studies of Aculeate Hymenoptera at the Devil’s Spittleful and Hartlebury Common was well received and he has promised to write an article for a future Worcestershire Record. His methods reveal that these two Worcestershire heathlands are of national importance. John Day’s fact-packed presentation delivered at break-neck speed fascinated us all and he has written a very useful article on Worcestershire’s Natural Areas in this issue. I am also pleased to include the maps etc on Worcestershire Flora Project by Bert Reid. Phil Rudlin’s account of dormice is available in the Wyre Forest Study Group Report for 2000 - information from Rosemary Winnall.
Norton & Lenchwick Village Hall was a good venue with much better acoustics than previous venues. We may return there next year or try for a modern hall nearer the centre of the county.
Very many thanks to all those who helped make this event a success, especially those who presented a paper. Ideas for next year would be welcome - suggestions to Harry Green
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