Please do not forget that the Worcestershire Mammal Atlas Project is running and that we need records. Please send them into the WBRC Office (address on back page). A recording form is enclosed with this issue. Although we are receiving lots of records of common species, the whole county is not yet covered for them. We badly need records for those species more difficult to record - bats, small rodents, stoats and weasels, and of course scarce species like pole cat and otter.

The Register of Worcestershire's Ancient Trees is steadily accumulating information - we need more recorders!. Full instructions were included in Worcestershire Record (No 12) together with report forms. Some people regard our two-form system as too complicated so we have also produced a simple form on which many trees can be recorded. This at least gives accurate location of these important trees. We do urge you to get out there and record trees. If you need more copies of forms or instructions please let me know. They can be sent to you by email and you can send us zipped files with photographs by email directly to John Tilt john.tilt2@btopenworld.com. Further searches in the county are confirming our view that we have a great many of these trees and Worcestershire is probably especially important in the national context.

In this edition we have a wide selection of articles on many topics. These include several from John Day arising from his lecture at the Annual Meeting, an up-date on the Worcestershire Flora Project, a up-date on Butterfly Transects in the county, a report on long-standing studies of orchids and garlics as Windmill Hill by Terry Knight, etc etc. I hope you find something of interest. How about sending a contribution?

As a matter of formality the Worcestershire Record is now the newsletter for both the Worcestershire Recorders and the Worcestershire Biological Records Centre.

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