John Clarke
In 1997, as part of the final landscaping of Kemerton Lake Nature
Reserve, a screen bank was built adjacent to the footpath and
hedge marking the north west boundary of the site. The bank was
built from sub-soil removed during gravel extraction.
In April 2000 a large number of Mining Bees were seen along the
bank. Their nest holes were mainly on the more-sparsely vegetated
south east facing slopes with smaller numbers on the top. Two
specimens were collected - the first identified by John
Meiklejohn (JM) as Andrena dorsata, the other by Geoff Trevis (GT)
as Andrena flavipes, a local but widely distributed Mining bee.
On the 19th April 2001, despite the bank becoming increasingly
vegetated there were large numbers of Mining Bees present.
Several specimens were taken and passed to JM. On 26th April the
colony was even busier and more specimens were collected for JM.
He identified Nomada rufipes and N. fabriciana - two common
kleptoparasites of Mining Bees - and GT confirmed Andrena
flavipes. As this would be the first known site in Worcestershire
for A. flavipes GT sent the specimen on to hymenopterist Dr Mike
Archer who agreed the identification.
The extent of the colony along the slope of the bank was measured
and five random 1m square quadrats were thrown, within which a
total of 560 nest holes were counted. This produced an average
number of 112 holes per square metre. The total area covered by
the colony was 120m x 2m, giving an estimated 26,880 holes. The
Mining Bees were observed feeding at a variety of plants in the
vicinity - including Veronica persica, Myosotis arvensis,
Glechoma hederacea, Prunus spinosa and Ulex europeus.
The bank was checked by JC and JM on 20th June but there was no
bee activity. However on 25th July the colony was again active
and samples were taken to JM who did not find any new species. In
July several other, smaller colonies were found at the reserve.
On 29th March 2002 GT, Harry Green and JC visited the area and GT
identified Andrena cineraria., a mining bee patchily distributed
in England and Wales. Two Little Owl pellets found on the Mining
Bee bank were almost entirely composed of bee remains. Bombylius
major, a common bee-fly parasitic of mining bees, was seen at a
nearby Mining Bee colony and has since been seen at the Kemerton
Lake site.
On April 18th 2002 HG and John Clarke (JC) visited the site and
the Mining Bees were very active but a violent hailstorm brought
proceedings to an abrupt end. HG collected a grey fly that was
visiting the burrows. David Green identified it as Leucophora
personata - a grey fly which parasitises .mining bees and wasps.
The following day, JC returned and carried out a full survey of
the reserve. Mining Bees seemed to occur wherever there was bare
ground - even in wheel ruts and rabbit scrapes. The survey
counted only larger colonies - where more than 500 nest holes
were visible. Seven larger colonies were identified and despite
the destruction of some nest entrances by the previous day's
storm a total of 40,000 holes were counted. It was interesting to
note that the number of nest holes in the original bank had
fallen to 15,000 from 26,880 in 2001. During this visit it was
observed that a mole had been very active along the bank but not
on either side. This led to speculation that the mole was feeding
on the contents of Mining Bee nests.
GT, JWM, HG and John Partridge visited the site on the 8th May.
The colony was still active and GT collected specimens of two
more bees Halictus tumulorum and Lasioglossum morio, both common
and widespread
On 16th May JC and HG visited. Activity was dying down and no new
species were found. Mining Bees were found feeding at a variety
of plants in and around the reserve - bees were found up to 200
metres from the colonies. Food plants included Crataegus
monogyna, Ranunculus repens, Taraxacum agg, and Arctium minus.
On one of his visits GT also collected a Cuckoo Bumble Bee
Psithyrus vestalis. He has also identified two specimens sent to
him by HG (collected in 2002) as bees Colletes daviesana (a
common species) and Lasioglossum smeathmanellus, a bee of unknown
The main colony was reported as very active on the 1st July. More
samples were collected on 21st August when the colony was still
fairly active but no new species were identified. Fergus
Henderson - the summer warden at Kemerton Lake - collected a
specimen on the 5th September which JM identified as bee Halictus
rubicundus, a common species. On the 9th September JC collected a
specimen, identified by JM as Lasioglossum malachurum, a mining
bee usually found on cliffs in southern England.
As a small experiment a 'turf'' was lifted from the main Mining
Bee bank, during the April breeding period. The sample measured
15cm x 15cm by 15cm deep. The turf was carefully broken up by
removing 2cm at a time (starting at the top) and searching for
signs of bee nests. No nests were found in the top 5cm. In the
tunnel ends various stages of breeding were found - some were
empty, some with traces of pollen/nectar. Others held a single
egg or a larva, together with pollen/nectar. There were clearly
different larval species also present. Within the turf eight
mining bee larvae were found, measuring up to 1cm long. There was
no nest lining or 'cell'. Three small unidentified larvae were
found in otherwise empty tunnels and were assumed to be klepto-parasite
spp. The sample is too small to use for definitive counts but
shows that the larvae can occur at a density of 355 per square
metre (when JC was studying Mining Bee colonies in Scotland he
found densities of Colletes succinctus - which excavates several
cells off each tunnel - of over 900 per square metre).
Geoff Trevis et al feel that the Kemerton Lake Mining Bee
colonies may be of national importance and that there may well be
several rare species of Hymenoptera present. As the site is being
rapidly colonised by vegetation a pilot management has been
undertaken by Kemerton Conservation Trust. The trial includes
chemical control of the vegetation - particularly on the main
bank, but also in a second area. On November 18th 2002 an area
100m x 4m on the bank and an area 20m x 3m along the bank of the
lake was sprayed. This will be repeated as required to prevent
plant roots from destroying the nest tunnels and to allow clear
access for the bees in April 2003. Subject to funding, much of
the bare ground will be protected from Rabbits by pegging down
wire netting. It is proposed that more visits will be made during
the spring and summer 2003 to collect specimens. After that a
discussion should be held on the future of the colony. NB. During
the Scottish study JC found that for no obvious reasons colonies
of Mining Bee were sometimes apparently completely abandoned -
there are a number of theories about this phenomenon.
Information on status from RECORDER 3.1 data base
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