Worcestershire Record No. 1 1996 p. 2


By Mike Averill

A brief review of the history of dragonfly recording in Worcestershire showed there were few records available for comparison of the past situation with that in 1986. This demonstrated the need for a complete survey, and this ran from 1986-1995.

Using a detailed recording card, quality information was gathered and from this proof of breeding and abundance was ascertained.

The sort of analyses possible from the survey results were distribution maps, number of species per site, flight periods, and coincidence of species with other parameters such as habitat, altitude and water quality.

185 recorders sent in information, but only 21 submitted more than 20 records and they contributed 89% of all records.

The initial survey of dragonflies in Worcestershire is complete and the results published in The Dragonflies of Worcestershire , but this is not the end of recording and I appeal for records to keep coming in!

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