Worcestershire Record No. 17 November 2004 p. 35-39
Kevin McGee
Essex Skipper. Thymelicus lineola (Hesperiidae). One male was on Mint flowers at Kemerton Lakes on 29.7.2004. One male was at Tiddesley Wood car-park on 6.8.2004, this is my 1st record of one in the vicinity of Tiddesley.
Clouded Yellow. Colias crocea (Pieridae). The only one I saw in 2004 was at Wyre Forest on 21.8.2004. It was just across the county boundary on the Shropshire side.
Dark Green Fritillary. Argynnis aglaja (Nymphalidae). I was amazed to record one at Rough Hill Orchard alongside the River Avon near Pershore on 4.8.2004. I managed to capture the specimen to make absolutely certain of its identity, it was then released. It was in very worn condition indicating not only age but also that it could possibly have travelled some considerable distance. This is only my 2nd record of this species in Worcestershire, the earlier one being of 1 at Windmill Hill on 27.7.1996.
Pearl-bordered Fritillary. Clossiana euphrosyne (Nymphalidae). Notable B. Three were recorded at Wyre Forest on 7.6.2004.
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary. Clossiana selene (Nymphalidae). One in immaculate condition was at Wyre Forest on 7.6.2004.
Gold Swift. Hepialus hecta (Hepialidae). One male at rest on low vegetation at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, on 4.6.2004. My 1st record for this attractive species.
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Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary. Photo, K.McGee. | Gold Swift. Photo, K.McGee. |
Oak Eggar. Lasiocampa quercus (Lasiocampidae). One was seen in rapid flight on Swinyard Hill, Malverns, on 28.7.2004.
Humming Bird Hawk. Macroglossum stellatarum (Sphingidae). One was seen in flight at Swinyard Hill, Malverns, on 28.7.2004. One was seen regularly, but only for brief moments, at Buddleia flowers in our garden, Drakes Broughton, from 14th to 23rd September, 2004. Despite several attempts it proved impossible to photograph the specimen.
Nemophora cupriacella (Incurvariidae). Rare. I first found this species in Tiddesley on 19.7.1998 which was identified as the 1st modern county record at that time by Dr.A.N.B. Simpson. It was a photograph of a female on Teasel foliage. I had not encountered the species since at Tiddesley until I photographed another female, again on Teasel foliage, on 27.7.2004.
Esperia oliviella (Oecophoridae). Notable B. This scarce and beautiful species is one of the special treasures of Wyre Forest. I found one near the old railway line during very hot & sunny weather on 7.6.2004. It settled on Bracken after I had disturbed it from it’s resting place. The situation was perfect for photography, but sadly I was only able to take one picture before the moth took to flight never to be seen again. The resulting photo of a genuine county rarity is OK but it should have been so much better!
Nemophora cupriacella, (female). Photo, K.McGee. |
Esperia oliviella Photo, K.McGee. |
Golden-ringed Dragonfly. Cordulegaster boltonii (Corduligasteridae). One was seen all too briefly along a sunny ride at Burnt Wood, near Wyre Forest, on 24.7.2004.
Scarce Chaser. Libellula fulva (Libellulidae). The appearance of this new species for Worcestershire will no doubt be well documented in this issue of the ‘Record’. I counted about 30 along a short stretch of the River Avon at Nafford on 13.6.2004. The vast majority were males.
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Scarce Chaser, (male). Photo, K.McGee. |
Sehirus luctuosus (Cydnidae). One was collected from fairly open & dry ground at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, on 25.4.2004. My 1st site-record. My only other record is of one collected from a Forget-me-not species in our garden, Drakes Broughton, on 4.5.2003
Peritrechus lundi (Lygaeidae). One was collected from fairly bare ground at Kempsey Common on 24.4.2004. This is my 1st record for this species.
Rhyparochromus pini (Lygaeidae). Notable B. My first record for this scarce ground bug from the Worcestershire side of Wyre Forest! I collected one from warm & dry ground alongside the former railway line on 30.3.2004.
Choerades marginatus (Asilidae). Notable. I now have many records for this scarce Robber-Fly from Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, where it seems to be well established. I was pleased to find one at Grafton Wood on 2.8.2004. The species is associated with southern Oak woods.
Choerades marginatus. Photo, K.McGee |
Conops flavipes (Conopidae). One male was collected from Creeping Thistle flowers at Grafton Wood on 2.8.2004. Only my 3rd record.
Conops strigatus (Conopidae). Notable. A female collected from Creeping Thistle flowers at Deerfold Wood, Drakes Broughton, on 30.7.2004 is my 1st record of this scarce species.
Leopoldius signatus (Conopidae). Notable B. One on flowering Ivy at Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton, on 10.10.2004. My 2nd record, following the one I collected from Ivy flowers in nearby Mill Meadow on 21.9.2003.
Chorisops nagatomii (Stratiomyidae). Notable. I collected a female from streamside Brambles during the ‘recorders’ field trip to Lower Sapey on 7.8.2004. Malcolm Smart has confirmed my identification.
Brachyopa bicolor (Syrphidae). RDB3. I was very pleased to collect a female of this very scarce Hoverfly from Hogweed flowers at Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton, on 6.6.2004. This is probably the 1st record from this part of the county. Malcolm Smart has confirmed my identification.
Brachypalpoides lentus (Syrphidae). This is the magnificent Hoverfly formerly known as Xylotomima lenta in earlier literature, (see Collins pocket guide to Insects of Britain & Western Europe, Chinery). I can confirm that when seen in the field there is absolutely no doubt as to it’s identity. The dark blood-red colouration on the abdominal segments is quite stunning and cannot possibly be confused with bright specimens of the much more common Xylota segnis. I collected a female from low vegetation alongside Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton, on 21.5.2004. My 1st record.
Brachypalpus laphriformis (Syrphidae). Scarce. A female was collected from the trunk of a fallen Oak at Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton, on 15.5.2004. Another was photographed whilst seeking out places to oviposit amongst rot-holes on the same fallen Oak on the next day. My 1st record.
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Brachypalpus laphriformis (female). Photo, K.McGee. |
Chalcosyrphus nemorum (Syrphidae). I collected a female from the trunk of an old Cherry at ‘Far Orchard’, Wyre Forest, on 7.6.2004. It is known ‘to sun-bathe on large fallen tree-trunks in ancient forests’, (Stubbs & Falk, 2002). My 1st record.
Criorhina asilica (Syrphidae). Scarce. About 5 or 6 of these Hive-Bee mimics were visiting flowers of Wild Service in Tiddesley Wood on 23.5.2004. I made sure I collected one to be absolutely certain of it’s identity and then set about trying to photograph one of the others. This proved to be virtually impossible, then a couple paired up and dropped on to the ground vegetation beneath the tree enabling me to take a couple of quick pictures before they got spooked & took to flight. The resulting pictures are therefore not as good as I would have liked. Incidentally, it is worth mentioning the impressive range of Insect groups & species that came to those Wild Service flowers during that afternoon. My 1st record.
Criorhina asilica. Photo, K.McGee. | Wild Service. Photo, K.McGee. |
Criorhina ranunculi (Syrphidae). Scarce. This is one of the large and impressive ‘Bumble Bee’ mimic Hoverflies. It is also an early species and one I have wanted to find for some time. I was pleased to see one visiting Sallow blossom at Tiddesley Wood on 29.3.2004 and again on 31.3.2004. The real challenge is going to be photographing one of these, they are incredibly quick to take to flight upon approach. I collected a female, again from Sallow blossom, at Wyre Forest on 30.3.2004, and one was seen briefly on Blackthorn flowers at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, on 11.4.2004. My 1st records.
Volucella inanis (Syrphidae). Notable B. A male was photographed on the flowers of Small Teasel at Tiddesley Wood on 6.8.2004.
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Volucella inanis, (male). Photo, K.McGee. |
Hybomitra bimaculata (Tabanidae). A female at Deerfold Wood, Drakes Broughton, on 8.6.2004. This was at exactly the same place as the female I collected for the 1st time on 6.7.2003. A scarce Horsefly of damp southern Oak woodlands.
Tabanus autumnalis (Tabanidae). A female briefly alighted on our car just after I had parked on the side of the road in order to visit Ashmoor Common on 17.7.2004.
Tabanus bromius (Tabanidae). I have an encouraging amount of records now for this species. I think it is probably still quite widespread but not often encountered as weather conditions are not always suitable, hot, sultry days are the best. A good site is Grafton Wood and it’s approaches, I counted 5 females at rest on fence-posts alongside boundary ditches on 2.8.2004. Females are found much more often than males, so I was pleased to encounter 2 males visiting damp muddy patches on a path inside the wood. This was just like earlier accounts of the behaviour of male Horseflies that I have read. The conditions at the time were extremely hot & sunny but with the imminent threat of thundery showers later in the evening.
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Tabanus bromius, (male). Photo, K.McGee. |
Rhogogaster picta (Tenthredinidae). This attractive Sawfly is one of the specialities of Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, where it is associated with the only expanse of Dyer’s Greenweed surviving in this part of the county. This female was photographed on 6.6.2004.
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Rhogogaster picta, (female). Photo, K.McGee. |
Selandria sixii (Tenthredinidae). This fairly large and distinctive Sawfly is apparently quite local. It is associated with waterside habitats, I have found it at the Gwen Finch reserve in 2003 and I photographed one alongside the Avon at nearby Nafford on 13.6.2004.
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Selandria sixii (female). Photo, K.McGee. |
Rhynchites cavifrons (Attelabidae). Notable B. One collected from Oak foliage at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, on 21.5.2004. Confirmed by PF Whitehead. My 1st record.
Rhynchites nanus (Attelabidae). One collected from Birch foliage during the ‘recorders’ visit to Habberley Valley on 3.7.2004. Identified by PF Whitehead who tells me that records for this species are rather infrequent. This may be a first county record.
Acupalpus dubius (Carabidae). One collected from flood debris alongside the river Avon at Nafford on 10.4.2004. Confirmed by PF Whitehead. My 1st record.
Anisodactylus binotatus (Carabidae). One collected from low vegetation at Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton, on 26.9.2004.
Badister sodalis (Carabidae). One collected from under bark of an Elder log at Tiddesley Wood on 29.2.2004. Confirmed by PF Whitehead. My 1st record.
Bembidion mannerheimi (Carabidae). One collected from leaf litter at Tiddesley Wood on 29.3.2004. Confirmed by PF Whitehead.
Bembidion quadripustulatum (Carabidae). Notable B. One collected from damp mud on the bed of a drying pool at Kemerton Lakes on 29.7.2004. Confirmed as a new species for the site by PF Whitehead. My 1st record.
Dromius agilis (Carabidae). One collected from low vegetation at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, on 15.5.2004. Confirmed by PF Whitehead. My 1st record.
Phymatodes testaceus (Cerambycidae). Three were under the bark of a fallen Oak at Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton, on 3.6.2004. One of the less frequently seen ‘Longhorn’ Beetles.
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Phymatodes testaceus. Photo, K.McGee. |
Tetrops praeusta (Cerambycidae). I have more records for this small ‘Longhorn’ Beetle during 2004 than in any previous year and from a wide range of sites. One on Apple foliage at ‘Far Orchard’, Wyre Forest, on 8.5.2004 was of interest, as was one on Hawthorn blossom at Broad Down, Malverns, on 29.5.2004.
Adonia variegata (Coccinellidae). Notable B. I collected a pair in-cop from a sandy bank at Kemerton Lakes on 29.7.2004. My 1st record.
Ampedus elongantulus (Elateridae). Notable A. One collected from an Oak stump at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, on 30.5.2004. Identified and confirmed as probably a first county record by PF Whitehead.
Ampedus pomorum (Elateridae). Notable B. One collected from Wild Service flowers at Tiddesley Wood on 23.5.2004. Confirmed by PF Whitehead.
Ampedus rufipennis (Elateridae). RDB2. One collected in-flight around the stump of a fallen Oak at Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton, on 6.6.2004. Confirmed by PF Whitehead.
Melasis buprestoides (Eucnemidae). Notable B. One of about six collected from cut Birch logs at Tiddesley Wood on 23.5.2004. Confirmed as probably the first record for the species at Tiddesley by PF Whitehead.
Ischnomera sanguinicollis (Oedemeridae). Notable B. This scarce species is frequent on Field Maple flowers at Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton, during suitable weather in May. I was pleased to find one on an old Hawthorn trunk near Grafton Wood on 11.6.2004.
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Ischnomera sanguinicollis. Photo, K.McGee. |
Gnorimus nobilis (Scarabaeidae). RDB2. Our local speciality; the ‘Noble Chafer’. I was very lucky to be in the right place at the right time to witness 3 adults emerging from an old Cherry tree at ‘Far Orchard’, Wyre Forest, on 7.6.2004. They crawled out on to healthy sections of the trunk from a rotting part about six feet from the ground before taking to flight high in to the Oak canopy of nearby Wyre Forest. Conditions were very hot and sunny, the time was 12.30pm.
Another two were visiting Elder flowers in Tiddesley Wood two days later on 9.6.2004. Again it was midday but not quite so hot, about 23 degrees celcius.
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Gnorimus nobilis. Photo, K.McGee. |
Astenus immaculatus (Staphylinidae). Notable. One collected from under loose bark of a dead Victoria Plum at Drakes Broughton Orchard on 14.2.2004. Confirmed by PF Whitehead. My 1st record.
Oxyporus rufus (Staphylinidae). One collected from Devil’s-bit Scabious foliage at Mill Meadow on 4.9.2004. PF Whitehead tells me that this species has recently declined markedly. My 1st record.
Paederus fuscipes (Staphylinidae). Notable B. One collected from flood debris alongside the Avon at Eckington Bridge on 28.3.2004. Confirmed by PF Whitehead.
A review of the Hymenoptera I have collected during the last couple of years will appear at some time in the future. However, I have some interesting records of ‘Nomad’ Bees, (Anthophoridae), from 2004, which are worth mentioning at this point.
Nomada fucata (Anthophoridae). Notable A. Over 100 were present at the known established colony at Kemerton Lakes in the south-east of the county on 29.7.2004. A surprise was the capture of a female from bare ground along a farm-track at Lower Sapey at the opposite end of the county on the Herefordshire border, this was during the ‘Recorders’ field-trip on 7.8.2004. My 1st records.
Nomada fucata. Photo, K.McGee. |
Nomada hirtipes (Anthophoridae). RDB3. I collected a female from sparsely vegetated ground near the reservoir at British Camp, Malverns, during the ‘Recorders’ field-trip there on 29.5.2004. Confirmed by PF Whitehead. My 1st record.
Nomada marshamella (Anthophoridae). Although apparently fairly common, I was pleased to collect my first example of this species from Wyre Forest on 21.8.2004.
Nomada striata (Anthophoridae). Another fairly widespread species, which I have as yet only recorded from Wyre Forest. A female was collected from ‘Far Orchard’ on 7.6.2004. Confirmed by PF Whitehead. My 1st record.
Nightingale. One was heard calling from the woodland surrounding Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, between 25.4.& 30.5.2004.
Hobby. One was seen above Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton, on 8.6.2004.
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. An adult female was briefly at the top of a Birch in our garden, Drakes Broughton, on 16.10.2004. This is the first I have seen in this part of the county.
Stoat. Mustela erminea (Mustelidae). An adult crossed the road alongside Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton, on 16.5.2004. The first I have seen since June 2001, and that was a road casualty on the main road past Drakes Broughton.
Hare. Lepus capensis (Leporidae). An adult was seen in one of the meadows approaching Grafton Wood on 11.6.2004.
With grateful thanks to Mr. P.F.Whitehead for his expertise and assistance.
![]() | Stubbs A, Falk S. 2002. British Hoverflies. British Entomological & Natural History Society. |
![]() | Stubbs A, Drake M. 2001. British Soldier Flies & their allies. British Entomological & Natural History Society. |
![]() | Colyer & Hammond. 1951. Flies of the British Isles. Warne. |
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