Worcestershire Record No. 21 April 2007 pp. 29-33
Kevin McGee.
Drab Looper. Minoa murinata (Geometridae, Notable B).
One adult on Spurge flowers at Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton on 28.5.2006.
This is my first record from this site. The species has previously been recorded
from nearby Deerfold Wood by Dr.Tony Simpson, but it is rare in this area. I
have one record from Tiddesley Wood on 31.7.2001.
Drab Looper. Photo’, K.McGee.
Antigastra catalaunalis (Pyralidae, accidental/vagrant)
One adult disturbed from arable weeds in a small area of field boundary ‘set-aside’
at Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton on 23.9.2006. Dr. Tony Simpson has confirmed the
species from my photograph as the first County record. According to ‘BRITISH
PYRALID MOTHS’, Goater 1986, this is ‘an extremely scarce
vagrant to the southern counties of England’. I am convinced I saw another
whilst exercising our dog at Drakes Broughton Orchards on the previous evening,
also disturbed from arable weeds on a field boundary.
Antigastra catalaunalis. Photo’, K.McGee.
Adela croesella (Incurvariidae, local)
This very attractive species is now seen quite frequently in the Drakes
Broughton area during early June, especially where Cow Parsley and Hogweeds are
flowering underneath extensive areas of Blackthorn and Damson in sheltered
Adela croesella (female). Photo’, K.McGee.
Reduvius personatus (Reduviidae, synanthropic)
The Fly Bug. One collected late at night from our kitchen window, Drakes
Broughton, on 11.6.2006. I assume it was attracted to the light. I have one
previous record of a dead adult I found inside a little-used room at Royal
Worcester on 16.2.2004.
Sehirus luctuosus (Cydnidae, local)
One photographed on a species of Forget-me-not alongside Deerfold Wood,
Drakes Broughton on 1.6.2006. These are usually found on the ground on light
cultivated soils but will occasionally ascend Forget-me-not species (the host
plant) to feed on the seeds. Whenever I have found one doing this they are very
difficult to approach with a camera being quick to drop to the ground and
Sehirus luctuosus. Photo’, K.McGee.
Aelia acuminata (Pentatomidae, local)
The Bishop’s Mitre. One photographed on an Ant-hill at Mill Meadow, Drakes
Broughton on 4.6.2006. This is my first record for this site and for this part
of the county. I believe that this distinctive species is now being found more
frequently in Worcestershire probably as a response to climatic changes.
Aelia acuminata. Photo’, K.McGee.
Macrophya blanda (Tenthredinidae, local)
One female photographed on low vegetation at Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton on
1.6.2006. This is my first record for this little known and uncommon Sawfly. It
is very similar to the much more frequent Macrophya annulata (a very good
Pompilid mimic), but has conspicuous white marks on the rear coax, clearly
visible on the photograph.
Macrophya blanda. Photo’, K.McGee.
Monosapyga clavicornis (Sapygidae, scarce)
Both males & females were photographed on the trunk of a dead Victoria
Plum on several dates during May and early June. This is a cleptoparasite of
small bees such as Chelostoma florisomne which themselves nest in the old
exit holes of wood-boring beetles. The male shown here (photographed on 10.5.06)
can clearly be seen examining such a hole.
Monosapyga clavicornis. Photo’, K.McGee.
Chrysis viridula (Chrysididae, scarce)
One of the ‘ruby-tailed wasps’. I collected a female from Hanging Grove,
Lodge Farm on 10.6.2006, one of the WBRC recording days. This is a parasitic
wasp whose host is the eumenid wasp Odynerus spinipes, several of which
were nesting in the root-plate of an upturned tree on a bare vertical earth
bank. This is my first and only record of this species to date.
Philanthus triangulum (Sphecidae, widespread)
The ‘Bee-killer wasp’. This species is now fairly widespread on suitable
sandy habitat such as Hartlebury Common, it was until recently a considerable
rarity. I have found it a couple of times well away from its typical habitat
including this male on Creeping Thistle at Drakes Broughton Orchards on
Philanthus triangulum. Photo’, K.McGee.
Argogorytes fargeii (Sphecidae, rare)
One female collected from Creeping Thistle flowers at Drakes Broughton
Orchards on 16.6.2006.
Opilo mollis (Cleridae, Notable B)
One collected from under the bark of a dead Elm trunk at Lodge Wood, Drakes
Broughton on 21.1.2006.
Bembidion gilvipes (Carabidae, Notable B)
Two were collected from under the bark of a Willow log near the Avon at
Eckington Bridge on 24.3.2006. Identification confirmed by PF Whitehead.
Oncomera femorata (Oedemeridae, Notable B)
One male collected from under an old plank at Bredon Hill on 30.3.2006.
Carabus problematicus (Carabidae, local)
One inside a rotting Beech log at Bredon Hill on 30.3.2006.
Soronia punctatissima (Nitidulidae, local)
One collected from under the bark of a dead Field Maple trunk at Tiddesley
Wood on 2.4.2006. Confirmed by PF Whitehead.
Anisotoma humeralis (Leiodidae, local)
One collected from Oak logs at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton on 6.5.2006.
Confirmed by PF Whitehead.
Stenostola dubia (Cerambycidae, notable B)
One on Perry Pear flowers at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton on 6.5.2006.
Stenostola dubia. Photo’, K.McGee.
Rhynchites cavifrons (Attelabidae, notable B)
Several found on Oak foliage in the Drakes Broughton area during May &
June. The one shown in the photo was at the Wyre Forest on 20.5.2006.
Rhynchites cavifrons. Photo’, K.McGee.
Zeugophora subspinosa (Chrysomelidae, local)
One collected from foliage of a Poplar sapling at Tiddesley Wood on
12.5.2006. Confirmed by PF Whitehead.
Adonia variegata (Coccinellidae, notable B)
One collected from low vegetation along the margin of an arable field at
Drakes Broughton Orchards on 28.5.2006. Specimens were still being seen in
Ampedus elongantulus (Elateridae, notable A)
One female collected from the trunk of a fallen Oak at Mill Rough, Drakes
Broughton on 28.5.2006. This is now the second record of this rare click beetle
from this area. Confirmed by PF Whitehead.
Ptinus sexpunctatus (Ptinidae, notable B)
One collected from our front garden, Drakes Broughton, early in the morning
of 7.6.2006. Confirmed & retained by PF Whitehead.
Rhinocyllus conicus (Curculionidae, notable A)
One collected from Spear Thistle (the host plant) at Mill Rough, Drakes
Broughton on 25.6.2006. Confirmed by PF Whitehead. This species is spreading.
Prionychus melanarius (Tenebrionidae, RDB2)
One female collected from an Oak trunk at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton on
8.7.2006. Confirmed by PF Whitehead.
Byctiscus populi (Attelabidae, pRDB3)
One photographed on Poplar foliage at the well documented population in
Monkwood on 15.9.2006.
Chrysolina brunsvicensis (Chrysomelidae, local)
One collected from
low vegetation at Mill Meadow on 17.9.2006.
Cheilosia grossa (Syrphidae, local)
One female collected from Celandine flowers at Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton
on 1.4.2006.
Brachypalpoides lentus (Syrphidae, local)
A male photographed at rest on a Birch trunk at Wyre Forest on 20.5.2006. A
female was photographed visiting Apple flowers at Drakes Broughton Orchards on
Brachypalpoides lentus. Photo’, K.McGee.
Chalcosyrphus nemorum (Syrphidae, local)
One male on an Oak stump at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton on 29.5.2006.
Chalcosyrphus nemorum. Photo’, K.McGee.
Hybomitra bimaculata (Tabanidae, local)
One female photographed on low vegetation at Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton on
Hybomitra bimaculata. Photo’, K.McGee.
Erizona erratica (Syrphidae, scarce)
One briefly on Bramble foliage along an open ride at Wyre Forest on 2.6.2006.
I’m afraid I neither photographed or captured this spectacular hoverfly, but I
am in no doubt whatsoever regarding the identity of this distinctive species, at
first glance it looks like an oversized Syrphus but the overall posture &
behaviour is quite different. The fly quickly took to flight and despite the
fact that I stayed in the same spot for about another 30 minutes I never saw it
Sargus iridatus (Stratiomyidae, local)
One female collected from low Brambles at Wyre Forest on 2.6.2006.
Ctenophora pectinicornis (Tipulidae, notable B)
One photographed when it briefly alighted on Hazel foliage at Wyre Forest on
Ctenophora pectinicornis. Photo’, K.McGee.
Xylota jakutorum (Syrphidae, scarce)
Two, male & female, collected from low vegetation along an open ride at
Wyre Forest on 2.6.2006.
Odontomyia tigrina (Stratiomyidae, scarce)
Several of these were sitting around on waterside vegetation around a pool at
Hanging Grove, Lodge Farm, during the WBRC recording day on 10.6.2006.
Odontomyia tigrina. Photo’, K.McGee.
Haematopota crassicornis (Tabanidae, local)
One female collected from Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton on 24.6.2006. The
vast majority of these ‘cleg’ flies in our area will be the extremely common
(& annoying) H.pluvialis, so I was very pleased with this one!
Tabanus bromius (Tabanidae, local)
One female on a fence post at Caddicroft Farm, Drakes Broughton on 15.7.2006.
Leopoldius brevirostris (Conopidae, RDB2)
One male photographed when it briefly rested on Brambles in our garden,
Drakes Broughton, on 19.7.2006. Unfortunately I was unable to catch it, and this
was the only photo I managed! I could not name the species from my photo with
complete confidence so I e-mailed the image to David Clements, a national expert
on the Conopidae. He has confirmed that it is a male L.brevirostris, a
very rare fly but one which could turn up just about anywhere in the southern
half of England.
Leopoldius brevirostris. Photo’, K.McGee
Icterica westermanni (Tephritidae, notable B)
A distinctive ‘picture-wing’ fly found on Ragwort. I found this one on
Ragwort at Drakes Broughton Orchards on 5.8.2006.
Icterica westermanni. Photo’, K.McGee.
Conops flavipes var. melanocephala (Conopidae, local)
One male collected from Mint flowers along the Bow Brook, Caddicroft Farm,
Drakes Broughton on 6.8.2006.
Brambling. One female with Chaffinches at Drakes Broughton Orchards
on 4.2.2006. Very uncommon in this area.
Barn Owl. A dead adult alongside the Avon upstream from Eckington Bridge on 24.3.2006.
Red Kite. One low over Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton, flying west at midday on 1.6.2006.
Mandarin. A pair at the brook between Mill Rough & Deerfold Wood, Drakes Broughton, on 1.6.2006.
Peregrine. One (probably a female) at rest on the main tower of Worcester Cathedral at 5pm on 27.9.2006.
A few specimens collected during 2005 have recently been identified, some of
interest are listed below.
Trapezonotus arenarius (Lygaeidae, common)
One collected from sandy ground at Cherry Orchard, Worcester on 3.8.2005.
Confirmed by PF Whitehead. This is a scarce habitat in Worcestershire.
Pterostichus anthracinus (Carabidae, notable B)
One male collected from the bed of a dried-up pool at Caddicroft Farm, Drakes
Broughton on 29.8.2005. Confirmed by PF Whitehead.
Osmia caerulescens (Megachilinae, local)
This very attractive Bee was collected from a crevice in a telegraph pole at
Drakes Broughton Orchards on 16.6.2005. Confirmed by PF Whitehead.
Myopa extricata (Conopidae, RDB3)
One female collected from Blackthorn flowers at Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton
on 29.4.2005. Confirmed by PF Whitehead.
I would like to thank Mr.P.F.Whitehead for his expertise and assistance.
![]() | GOATER. B. 1986. British Pyralid Moths, a guide to their Identification. Harley Books. |
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