Worcestershire Record No. 24 April 2008 p.18
By Ian Duncan, published by Malvern Hills Conservators, ISBN 078-0-9558194-0-7. 2008.
This nicely produced book summarises the distribution and changes in breeding bird populations on and around the Malvern Hills over the last 20 years. The information was collected each year between mid-May and mid-June, by walking through each defined part of the whole area. Latterly the same routes were followed each year. Recorders were encouraged to to make the walks early in the morning in good weather. The results for most species are shown on one or two pages illustrated with one of more colour photographs or drawings (all by local people) and in sections headed Status (local, West Midlands, England), Breeding Season (including arrival and departure dates for migrants), Habitat, Historical (summary of records from earlier publications), Survey Results, and Comment. There is often a bar chart showing the numbers recorded each year for a specific site or overall. For many species there is a map showing which of nine recording areas contained the species. Detailed studies of Pied Flycatchers occupy several pages. The book finishes with several chapters of comment and summery, and on habitat conservation and habitat. Overall this book is an attractively produced and useful summary of breeding birds on and around the Malvern Hills. G H Green
By Dr Ian Duncan
The Malvern Hills and its associated Commons are still rich in breeding
birds, reflecting their range of habitats from acid grassland to ancient
woodland. For over 20 years a group of dedicated bird watchers have conducted an
annual survey of the breeding birds of the area. This book documents the
population changes of 82 breeding species and assesses their status with
respect to the local and national trends.
For each species there is an account of its population status, breeding season details, arrival and departure dates for summer visitors, habitat, historical records for the last 150 years, survey results 1986-2007, and comments on population changes. For around 50 species there are distribution and abundance maps with numerous charts showing the population changes from 1986-2007. Information is also provided on changes in the diversity of breeding species and on former breeding species.
This hardback book of 150 pages is profusely illustrated with line drawings, colour illustrations and colour photographs by local artists and photographers.
This work clearly demonstrates what can be achieved by a group of local birdwatchers. All the participants in this project have given their time freely and the profits from the sale of this book will be used to support and encourage wildlife recording in the Malvern Hills.
Publication April 2008
Retail price
£24.99 Plus £5.00 postage
To obtain a copy please send your request, name
and address, plus a cheque to The Malvern Hills Conservators, Manor House,
Grange Road, Malvern. WR14 3EY. If you wish to collect your book from the
Conservator's office, please enclose a cheque for £24.99, otherwise please
enclose a cheque for £29.99. Cheques should be made payable to the
Malvern Hills Conservators.
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