Large House Spiders Wanted

Specimens of Large House spiders (Tegenaria saeva and T. gigantea) are required for an undergraduate research project.
These spiders are most noticeable in August/September when males are actively seeking females and run across floors (see left) or get trapped in baths and sinks.
We particularly want spiders from the area around the Welsh-English border, where the distributions of the two species overlap, as shown in grey on the map.

Spiders can either be collected alive or preserved in 70% alcohol. Live spiders should be housed individually in small tubes furnished with a scrap of damp tissue and air holes. For each specimen we need a 6-figure map reference (or post code), site of capture (inside/outside buildings), name of nearest town/village and date. (WBRC will take specimens from anyone coming near, and pass them on.)

All specimens will be acknowledged and postage fully refunded.

Dr Geoff Oxford,
Department of Biology (Area 18),
University of York,
P.O. Box 373, York YO10 5YW.

Tel: 01904 328640

