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During the first part of March Kemerton Lake (formerly Kinsham
Lake) produced a Peregrine, the first Sand Martins (9th), 27
Snipe on the scrapes, nine Little Grebes, and a peak of 26
Gadwall. Later in the month four Little Gulls were recorded (adults,
two juvs. on 18th), two Little-ringed Plovers arrived on 23rd, a
Black-tailed Godwit was there on 23rd, and 6 House martins passed
through on 30th.
Elsewhere a Goshawk was seen over a plantation on 14th and c.20
Redpolls stayed all month around the plantations
In April Kemerton Lake had records of the first Willow Warbler
and two Egyptian Geese on 3rd; Common Sandpiper, Yellow Wagtail,
White Wagtail and Swallow on 15th, a Cuckoo on 18th, first
Whitethroat on 21st, first Reed Warbler - plus Bar-tailed Godwait
and a Wheatear 0n 24th. On the 28th an Osprey was hunting and 29th
saw Whinchat, Sedge Warbler in song and Lesser Whitethtroat.
Elsewhere, on the 4th five Redpolls were still present and a
Nuthatch was watched nest building. A Grasshopper Warbler was
singing on the 23rd and 29th. Little Owl nests were found at
three sites.
In May at Kemerton Lake three Whimbrel and one Swift were present
on 1st. A pair of Greylag hatched 4 young on 4th, and a Common
Tern was there on 6th. two Turnstone, one Dunlin and two Ringed
Plover turned up on the 8th. There were 4 Common Terns and a
Sanderling present on the 13th. A single Garganey and a Wheatear
were there on 15th, four Common Terns, one Arctic Tern, a Bar-tailed
Godwit and a Hobby were there on 19th. On the 21st a pair of
Oystercatchers had two chicks and the 3-4 pairs of Lapwings had
chicks whilst a pair of Skylark fledged at least two chicks. On
the 30th a Red Kite landed briefly before being mobbed by other
In June at Kemerton Lake a Honey Buzzard flew over on the 2nd,
Peregrine and Hobby were seen on 4th In June . Common Terns were
seen displaying and mating on nesting platforms at Kemerton Lake
on 14th. There was a yellow-legged gull there on 21st.
The autumn passage began with Common Sandpiper,, Greenshank,
Dunlin and Redstart on 29th July. On the 30th a Turtle Dove flew
over and Sedge warbler was foraging in the reeds. August was busy
with a steady trickle of Yellow Wagtails and Common Sandpipers
through Kemerton Lake Reserve. Green Sandpipers were there until
end October. There was a Hobby there on 15th and 20th, five
Barnacle Geese were there on 20th and numbers peaked at 14. two
Grasshopper Warblers were seen foraging in Juncus on 20th..
There were three sightings of Ruff in mid-September, a Spotted
Flycatcher was there on 13th and three Garganey on 18th. Later in
the month large numbers of Snipe, pipits, Skylark and wagtails
were moving through. A late Hobby was reported on 26th. On 5th
October a Golden Plover was seen. On 15th an adult Little Gull
stayed briefly, six Little Gulls and 5 Rock Pipits were there on
Elsewhere on the estate - the monitoring scheme recorded further
increases in populations of Skylark, Yellowhammer, Song Thrush,
Linnet, Whitethroat and Bullfinch.
Two Hobbys were hunting over Beggarboys on the 15thMay, the first
Spotted Flycatcher was seen on the 16th, and Swifts were
displaying around the church tower on 19th. A Barn Owl was found
to be regularly roosting in a barn on the estate and later a nest
was found in a nearby tree - the first breeding record at
Kemerton for many years. A Turtle Dove was seen at a former
breeding site. The Nuthatches brought at least two young to a
garden bird table in Kemerton . On 25th September Siskin and
Redpoll were moving through the estate woodlands. Crossbill were
also heard there. By the 30th flocks of up to 50 Siskin were seen
and groups of Siskin and Redpoll have been regularly recorded
since then.
Large numbers of Holly Blues and Orange tips were seen across the
estate throughout March-June. Although a number of other species
seemed to be down in numbers the monitoring scheme found
increased numbers of several 'brown' species along new grass
margins. In one field, where Skippers had rarely been previously
recorded, 50+ 'Small Skippers' were counted on one walk. An
injured individual was captured and later found to be an Essex
Skipper! This species and Brown Argus were also recorded at
Kinsham Lake this summer.
Kemerton Lake Reserve produced Bee Orchid, Common Spotted Orchid
and Pyramidal Orchid and over 50 spikes of Common Broomrape.
Elsewhere, 95 Pyramidal Orchid flower spikes were counted along
Westmancote track
John Day visited Kemerton to discuss a number of queries on
botanical records since 1983 and efforts will be made to confirm
any still considered to be 'doubtful'. The visiting botanists
recorded several new species including Echium plantagineum (Purple
Vipers Bugloss) at Kinsham Lake
During cutting operations in autumn large numbers of Harvest
Mouse nests were found at Beggarboys wetland reserve.
A Polecat was caught in a rabbit trap and released unharmed.
John Day, Harry Green, Roger Maskew, John Meiklejohn, John
Partridge, Bill Thompson and Geoff Trevis all made visits.
Kemerton Conservation Trust is grateful for the great interest
shown. The mining bee colony at the lake remains the focus of
great interest. A full survey of the various colonies on 19th
April found 40,000 holes - though a violent hailstorm on the 18th
had obliterated some of the holes!
Buzzard food
With reference to the saga of. 'What do Buzzards eat?' Overbury
estate reported that one morning in late June a Buzzard had been
noticed feeding for some time on a 'kill'. On further
investigation it turned out to be a Grey squirrel which was still
warm - so it is assumed that the bird killed it.
We are still trying to get Recorder 2000 up and running - once
this is achieved, updated discussions will take place with John
Partridge about the transfer of data onto the Worcestershire
Biological Records data base.
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