Tessa Carrick
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Like several other members of Worcestershire Wildlife
Trust, I have attended the courses for the Certificate in
Ornithology and Diploma in Ornithology at the University
of Birmingham. One of the five modules required is an
independent study. Since a few months, at most, are
available for the study, most people's work is not
exhaustive. When I carried out my first project, there
had been considerable argument between anglers and
ornithologists about the impact of cormorants on the
stock of fish in waterways and lakes (e.g. Carter, 1994;
Draulans, 1988; Kirby, 1993; Kirby and Sellers, 1993;
Kirby et al., 1993). Consequently, I chose to look at the
behaviour, habitat utilization and feeding of the
population of Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo
visiting Moors Pool, Upton Warren, during the winter of
1994-1995. The study aimed to: o record the weather during the winter; o record numbers of cormorants visiting Moors Pool; o record the utilisation of the habitat by the birds; o trial schemes of recording behaviour; o study behaviour when out of the water; o study diving behaviour; o study feeding behaviour. |
A major portion of my study was an evaluation of different
methods for recording behaviour patterns of cormorants. Although
this produced a large number of tables of data, I will merely
summarise the findings.
An important part of the study was to survey the extensive
literature on Great Cormorants. Much of what is known is
summarized by Cramp (1977), Johnsgard (1993) and Kirby. Since
completing this study there have been two major publications on
Great Cormorants (Feltham et al, 1999; McKay et al, 1999).
Cormorants visited Moors Pool for part of the day only. From
various sources and with the help of John Belsey, I found the
maximum number of cormorants recorded at Moors Pool for the
winters between 1989 and 1994.
Year Maximum number recorded
1989 1
1990 6
1991 11
1992 9
1993 At least 9
1994 30
During the winter of 1994-1995, numbers declined as the winter
progressed. Fluctuations in weather and water level made no
obvious difference to the numbers of birds observed.
Habitat utilisation
Birds fished in both open water, mainly in the deeper northern
half of Moors Pool, and among the bistort.
Observations on behaviour
The behavioural studies undertaken took account of the work on
methods of sampling behaviour by Altmann (1974) and by Martin and
Bateson (1993). Four methods of observing behaviour proved
useful, namely:
a) a descriptive, timed record of events;
b) a tabulated record of activities for a number of birds,
recorded at regular time intervals;
c) a coded record of duration of states of behaviour for a single
focal bird;
d) a coded record of frequency of activities for a single focal
Spread-wing behaviour
Spread-wing behaviour, in which birds extend their wings, was
observed on a number of occasions. Such behaviour invariably
occurred soon after emergence from water but it did not always
take place. There was considerable variation between individuals
on the same day and with different environmental conditions.
Many articles (e.g. Curry-Lindahl, 1970; Elowson, 1984; Rijke,
1968) have been written about the reason for spread-wing
behaviour. It has been suggested it may either help to dry the
wing feathers or be thermoregulatory, but research results do not
provide conclusive support for either possibility. Cormorants at
Moors Pool did not always spread their wings after a period of
diving before flying off to some other site. It is not,
therefore, essential for the wings to be spread before flying and
so, even if such behaviour does fulfill a role in drying the
feathers, this is not a necessary precursor to flight.
Wing-spreading was more limited when weather was damp and was
absent when raining. On such occasions the value of wing-spreading
for the purpose of drying feathers would be limited. Equally, in
such weather it would be unsatisfactory as a method of
thermoregulation, since there would be little radiation from the
sun to provide energy. Detailed observation of wing-spreading
behaviour in relation to small-scale changes in weather and with
regard to orientation to the sun might help to elucidate the
value of wing-spreading.
Preening occupies prolonged periods and is a major occupation of
cormorants when out of water. One bird, which appeared to be
sick, did very little preening throughout a whole day.
Agonistic behaviour
Few records were made of agonistic behaviour (conflict behaviour)
but there was some competition when fishing and some displacement
of one bird by another from resting sites. There was sometimes
resistance to displacement but no defence behaviour was observed
at Moors Pool.
Analysis of the data for the three birds observed diving were as
Period of diving session /minutes Max diveduration/seconds Dive
duration/ seconds Pause between dives/seconds
25, with interruptions 27 Mean = 19.75 Mean = 14.5
8 (approx.) 34 Mean = 12.23, s = 6.96 Mean = 8.43, s= 6.98
35 (approx.) 25 Mean = 16.5, s = 3.646 Mean = 4.4, s = 1.674
These figures are similar to published figures (Cooper, 1986).
Statistical analysis on results from Moors Pool suggest that
there may be variation in the pattern of dive/pause during a
prolonged bout of diving.
Estimation of fish consumption during the winter of 1994-1995
Cramp (1977) claims that at least larger fish are brought to the
surface for swallowing. In this study it was assumed that
continuous observation at Moors Pool revealed the bulk of the
fish caught. The length of fish caught was estimated by
comparison with the available figures for the length of a
cormorant's head.
Using these assumptions, it was possible to estimate the number
and mass of fish consumed at Moors Pool for a period of three
months during the winter. Probably, the main fish taken from
Moors Pool are roach, perch and eels. Hartley (1947) found that
roach of 30 cm weighed about 250 g. Most birds observed at Moors
Pool moved out of the water after bringing a single large fish (probably
roach) to the surface, that is a fish of at least 250 g, and were
not seen to fish again. An immature cormorant observed for a
whole day took a single, small fish, weighing about 125 g.
If each cormorant visiting Moors Pool on 26th November, when 30
birds were seen, caught one large fish from the lake, 30 fish or
about 7.5 kg of fish would have been consumed. For the 3 months
November to January, 388 cormorant visits were recorded for the
53 days on which observations were made, giving an average number
of birds visiting each day of 7.3. This figure is possibly on the
low side since the maximum number is usually present for a very
short period of the day and could occur when no-one was recording
birds. However, assuming this average is applicable for the whole
three months (that is 92 days), the total number of daily visits
would be 674. If a single 30 cm fish were consumed on each visit,
674 fish would be eaten or 168 kg of fish during the three months
November, December and January.
These calculations merely provide a very rough estimate of the
fish consumption. They take no account of the variation in
foraging ability between birds. Incidentally, I was told that the
Management Committee for the Christopher Cadbury Wetland Reserve
(personal communication) are not averse to the presence of
cormorants on Moors Pool as they hope that the consequent culling
of the numerous larger fish will leave food so younger fish stock
survive to provide more suitable prey for other species of birds.
Since no figures are available for the fish population in Moors
Pool, it is impossible to gauge the impact of the cormorants on
the fish stock.
In the past, the arguments about whether cormorants depleted fish-stocks
on inland waters related to the winter. Now that there are large
numbers of birds breeding at a few inland sites, such as Abberton
Reservoir, it would be valuable to have some idea of the impact
of birds on fish-stocks when feeding their chicks.
Although cormorants may sometimes have a significant impact on
the fish population of an inland body of water, caution should be
exercised in lessening restrictions on shooting or granting
shooting licences. There is no doubt that cormorants can be a
nuisance to fish farms, but in some situations cormorants may aid
management for conservation, perhaps favourably altering the age
structure of the fish population or reducing the number of a
coarse fish such as perch. There is also some evidence that
selective predation may improve the quality of fish-stocks
As an exploratory study of cormorants on Moors Pool, no earth-shattering
insights into cormorant biology were likely. Because this
investigation did not concentrate on one particular aspect of
cormorant activity and because there is variation in behaviour
between individuals, the results for any one part of the study
were limited.
However, these preliminary findings might provide a starting
point for more focused, prolonged investigations. For instance,
it would be of interest to investigate the following:
What is the age structure of the population of cormorants
visiting Moors Pool?
What are the distinctive habitat features of inland sites where
cormorants breed, roost or forage?
Does the pattern of dive duration and pauses vary during a period
of diving and with the circumstances?
To what extent does the behaviour of individuals when out of
water vary?
Is the behaviour of wintering cormorants different at inland and
coastal sites?
Do environmental conditions influence spread-wing behaviour?
What is the effect of disturbance on preening behaviour?
What factors affect the decisions cormorants make about choice of
alternative behaviours?
To what extent is it possible to model the costs and benefits of
alternative behaviours?
The following kindly helped with this study: my advisor,
Professor Graham Martin; my husband, Michael Carrick, as
recorder; John Belsey, Arthur Jacobs and other members of the
Christopher Cadbury Wetland Reserve Management Committee, who
helped with information. Cormorant drawing by R M Bishop
ALTMANN, J. 1974 Observational study of behaviour: sampling
methods. Behaviour 49: 227-267.
COOPER, J. 1986 Diving patterns of cormorants. Phalacrocoracidae.
Ibis 128:562-570.
CRAMP, S. 1977 Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the middle East
and North Africa. The Birds of the Western Palearctic Volume 1
Ostrich to Ducks. Oxford: Oxford University Press (p. 199 et seq.).
CURRY-LINDAHL, K. 1970 Spread-wing postures in Pelecaniformes and
Ciconiiformes. Auk 87: 371-2.
DRAULANS, D. 1988 Effects of fish-eating birds on freshwater fish
stocks: an evaluation. Biological Conservation 44: 251-263.
ELOWSON, A. M. 1984 Spread-wing postures and the water repellency
of feathers: a test of Rijke's hypothesis. Auk 101: 371-383.
I. G., HARVEY, J. P. AND BRITTON, J. R. 1999. Case studies of the
impact of fish-eating birds on inland fisheries in England and
Wales. York: MAFF.
HARTLEY, P. H. T. 1947 Scientific publication 12: The coarse
fishes of Britain. Wray Castle: FBA.
JOHNSGARD, P. A. 1993 Cormorants, darters and pelicans of the
world. Washington: Smithsomian Institute Press.
KIRBY, J. S. 1993 Position Statement Concerning Cormorant
Research, Conservation and Management., Gdansk 1993, cited in
Waters, R. J. and Cranswick, P.A. (1993) The Wetland Bird Survey
1992-1993: Wildfowl and Wader Counts. Slimbridge: BTO/WWT/RSPB/JNCC.
KIRBY, J. S., HOLMES, J. AND SELLERS, R.M. 1993 Conservation and
management of Cormorants in Great Britain: the current situation.
Proc. 3rd Internationa;l Cormorant Research Group Meeting, Gdansk
1993, cited in Waters, R. J. and Cranswick, P.A. (1993) The
Wetland Bird Survey 1992-1993: Wildfowl and Wader Counts.
Slimbridge: BTO/WWT/RSPB/JNCC.
KIRBY, J. S. AND SELLERS, R. M. 1993 Recent trends in the numbers
and distribution of Cormorants in Great Britain. Proc. 3rd
International Research Group Meeting, Gdansk, cited in Waters, R.
J. and Cranswick, P.A. (1993) The Wetland Bird Survey 1992-1993:
Wildfowl and Wader Counts. Slimbridge: BTO/WWT/RSPB/JNCC.
MARTIN, P. AND BATESON, P. 1993 Measuring Behaviour: an
Introductory Guide, 2nd Ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1999. The assessment of the effectiveness of management measures
to control change by fish-eating birds to inland fisheries in
England and Wales. York: MAFF.
RIJKE, A. M. 1968 The water repellency and feather structure of
cormorants, Phalacrocacidae. Journal of Experimental Biology 48:
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