Compiled By Harry Green
About 12 recorders attended. The most striking organisms of the day were flies - true Diptera. Mick Blythe was in his element and collected several months microscope work within a couple of hours. Thus, most of this report is of his work. Mosquitos were abundant and one of our recorders had to retire , bitten, and go home to apply antidotes. Recovery satisfactory!
Grimley Brick Pit North is adjacent to the River Severn and floods is winter. It consists mainly of willow woodland and scrub of different ages and densitys with a lot of fallen trees in places. On the landward side there are shallow muddy pools. The current and historical plant list is long with many interesting species, some of which may have disappeared with willow shading and, in places, extensive invasion by Himalayan Balsam which during our visit formed a forest about 3 metres tall!
Main groups recorded were invertebrates, and bryophytes. J Meiklejohn kept a list of plants he noticed but this is incomplete.
SO 842613 The River Bank Path. An overgrown path along the river bank fringed with rank stinging nettles and patches of tall Himalayan Balsam. Several stretches shaded by tall trees. Followed by the deeply shaded woodland beyond with an understorey of stunted Himalayan Balsam less than 2 m. tall.
Cylindrotoma distinctissima (Meigen, 1818)
5/8/00. My specimens 1014 (male), 1015 (female). Identified from
Coe (1950).
Diadocidia ferruginosa (Meigen, 1830)
5/8/00. My specimen 1012 (male, spirit specimen). Identified from
Hutson et al (1980)
Macrocera centralis Meigen, 1818
12/8/00. My specimens 943 (male). 17/8/00. 940 (female). Deep
shade of trees amongst Himalayan Balsam understorey. Identified
from Hutson et al (1980).
Macrocera stigmoides Edwards, 1925
17/8/00. My specimen 941 (female). Identified from Hutson et al (1980).
Sylvicola cinctus (Fabricius, 1787)
17/8/00. My specimens 861, 863 (male), 862 (female). Identified
from Freeman (1950).
It was difficult to overlook the mosquitoes at Grimley!
Aedes annulipes (Meigen, 1830) [A local but widespread
species- adults need mammalian blood - we now know that for a
29/7/00. My specimen 789. 5/8/00. My specimens 783-787, 791-792
Many, many others examined! All female and very bloodthirsty. The
overwhelming majority of the adult mosquitoes on the site at this
time appeared to be of this species. According to Snow it can be
difficult to distinguish in the female from Aedes cantans.
However the key characters in the fresh specimens seemed clear
enough. Unfortunately no males were found. Identified from Snow (1990).
Aedes geniculatus (Olivier, 1791)
29/7/00. My specimens 790 (female). 17/8/00. 864 (male). Deep
shade of trees near the river bank. Identified from Snow (1990).
Aedes rusticus (Rossi, 1790)
29/7/00. My specimen 788 (female). Shade near the river bank.
Identified from Snow (1990).
Anopheles claviger (Meigen, 1804)
5/8/00. My specimens 793 (male), 796 (female). Deep shade under
trees. Identified from Snow (1990).
Anopheles plumbeus Stephens, 1828
5/8/00. My specimen 797 (female). Deep shade under trees.
Identified from Snow (1990). A tree-hole breeding species.
Culex pipiens Linnaeus, 1758
5/8/00. My specimens 794, 795 (male). Deep shade under trees.
Identified from Snow (1990).
Culiseta annulata (Schrank, 1776)
24/8/00. My specimens 935, 936 (male), 939 (female). Identified
from Snow (1990).
Chironomus plumosus (Linnaeus, 1758)
24/8/00. My specimen 944 (male). Identified from Pinder (1978).
Other Chironomidae numerous of course, but I havent
got back into them yet.
Chrysopilus asiliformis (Preyssler, 1791).
5/8/00. My specimen 747 (female). Identified from Oldroyd (1969).
In Oldroyd this species is C. aureus (Meigen, 1804).
Rhagio lineola Fabricius, 1794.
5/8/00. My specimen 748 (female). Found lying dead on a leaf.
Identified from Oldroyd (1969).
Beris geniculata Haliday, 1830.
29/7/00. My specimen 735 (female). Identified from Oldroyd (1969).
IDENTIFICATION TO BE CONFIRMED. I think I shall have to wait
for British Soldierflies and their Allies for final confirmation.
Oldroyd is particularly dubious on Asilidae. However I have
ordered Verrall from the library.
Dioctria linearis (Fabricius, 1787)
5/8/00. My specimens 744, 745, 746 (female). Identified from
Oldroyd (1969).
Bicellaria vana Collin, 1926.
12/8/00. My specimen 806 (male). Identified from Collin (1961).
Hybos culiciformis (Fabricius, 1775) 12/8/00. My specimen
805 (male). Identified from Collin (1961).
Hybos femoratus (Müller, 1776) 5/8/00. My specimen 773 (male).
24/8/00. 933 (female) Deep shade of trees. Identified from Collin
(1961) and Chvála (1983).
Ocydromia glabricula (Fallén, 1816)
5/8/00. My specimen 749 (male), 772, 774 (female). Several others
taken. Identified from Collin (1961) and Chvála (1983).
Platypalpus annulipes (Meigen, 1822)
5/8/00. My specimen 802 (female). Deep shade of trees. Identified
from Collin (1961).
Platypalpus candicans (Fallén, 1815)
17/8/00. My specimen 852 (female). Identified from Chvála (1983).
Platypalpus maculipes (Meigen, 1822)
12/8/00. My specimen 807 (female). Identified from Collin (1961).
Empis (Kritempis) livida Linnaeus, 1758.
5/8/00. My specimen 750 (female). Identified from Collin (1961).
Nettles beside the riverside path. Numerous.
Hemerodromia baetica Collin, 1927
17/8/00. My specimen 856 (female). Identified from Collin (1961).
Hilara albiventris von Roser, 1840
5/8/00. My specimens 831 (female), 832 (male). Identified from
Chvála (1997) and Collin (1961). Collin records this species
only from Herefordshire, especially the Monnow Valley, and Chvála
describes it in connection with the European records as "uncommon
everywhere". However it was abundant at this site along the
river path.
Hilara rejecta Collin, 1927
17/8/00. My specimens 858 (male), 859 (female). Identified from
Collin (1961).
Rhamphomyia (Holoclera) sciarina (Fallén, 1816)
17/8/00. My specimen 857 (male). Identified from Collin (1961).
Argyra leucocephala (Meigen, 1824)
17/8/00. My specimen 902 (male). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca, 1978.
Campsicnemus curvipes (Fallén, 1823)
29/7/00. Male specimen (not retained). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1978). Very numerous.
Campsicnemus scambus (Fallén, 1823)
5/8/00. My specimen 765 (male). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1978). Numerous.
Dolichopus festivus Haliday, 1832
5/8/00. My specimens 768, 770, 771 (male), 781 (female). 12/8/00.
My specimen 816 (male). Identified from dAssis Fonseca (1978).
The most numerous Dolichopus species at this time..
Dolichopus griseipennis Stannius, 1831
17/8/00. My specimens 888, 889 (male). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1978).
Dolichopus latilimbatus Macquart, 1827
17/8/00. My specimen 890 (male). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1978). The name is erroneously latelimbatus in dAssis
Dolichopus ungulatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
5/8/00. My specimen 769 (male). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1978).
Poecilobothrus nobilitatus (Linnaeus, 1767)
29/7/00. Abundant throughout the site. No specimens captured as
identification was obvious.
Rhaphium appendiculatum Zetterstedt, 1849.
5/8/00. My specimen 761 (male). 12/8/00. Damaged male not
retained. Identified from dAssis Fonseca (1978). This
species is commoner than R. caliginosum on the site.
Rhaphium caliginosum Meigen, 1824
5/8/00. My specimen 778 (male). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1978).
Sciapus platypterus (Fabricius, 1805)
29/7/00. My specimen 739 (female). 5/8/00. My specimens 762, 763
(female). Identified from dAssis Fonseca (1978).
Sybistroma obscurellum (Fallén, 1823).
29/7/00. My specimen 737 (female). 5/8/00. My specimen 764 (female).
Identified from dAssis Fonseca (1978).
NOTE: This species is Hypophyllus obscurellus in dAssis
Fonseca. My previous record from the Wyre Forest, August 1999,
under that name needs correction (if indeed I sent it!).
Syntormon denticulatum (Zetterstedt, 1843)
12/8/00. My specimens 814, 815 (female). 24/8/00 930 (male), 931
(female). Identified from dAssis Fonseca (1978). This
species is commoner than S. pallipes on the site.
Syntormon pallipes (Fabricius, 1794)
24/8/00. My specimen 929 (male). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1978)
Teuchophorus calcaratus (Macquart, 1827)
29/7/00. My specimens 732, 733 (male). 5/8/00. My specimens 776 (male),
777 (female presumed to be of this species by association with
the males.) Collected around low vegetation beside the riverside
path. Identified from dAssis Fonseca (1978). Scarce and
Lonchoptera lutea Panzer, 1809
29/7/00. Numerous, varying from light to very dark in colour.
Several males and females (not retained) identified from Smith (1969).
Other Lonchoptera species looked for but not found.
Baccha sp.
12/8/00. My specimens 818 (female). 24/8/00. 919 (male).
According to Stubbs (1983) there are two species of Baccha which
are morphologically inseparable in the female but dubiously
separable in the male. He suggests that all Baccha are reported
as "Baccha sp." On the other hand Chandler in the
current check list (Chandler, 1998) goes for the one-species
theory and gives it the priority name Baccha elongata (Fabricius,
1775). My male appears to be the true elongata from Stubbs
key, for what that is worth.
Chalcosyrphus (Xylotina) nemorum (Fabricius, 1805)
5/8/00. My specimen 756 (male). Identified from Stubbs (1983).
Cheilosia pagana (Meigen, 1822)
5/8/00. My specimen 755 (female). 12/8/00. 817 (male). Identified
from Stubbs (1983).
Cheilosia vulpina (Meigen, 1822)
24/8/00. My specimen 1007 (female). Identified from Stubbs (1983).
Chrysogaster solstitialis (Fallén, 1817)
5/8/00. My specimens 753, 754 (male). Identified from Stubbs (1983).
Episyrphus balteatus (De Geer, 1776)
29/7/00 and 5/8/00. Specimens not captured as the species is
Eristalis pertinax (Scopoli, 1763).
5/8/00. My specimen 751 (male). Several others seen. Identified
from Stubbs (1983). Feeding on Heracleum flowers.
Eupeodes luniger (Meigen, 1822)
24/8/00. My specimen 918 (male). Identified from Stubbs (1983).
Helophilus pendulus (Linnaeus, 1758)
5/8/00. My specimen 757 (female). Others seen but not caught.
Identified from Stubbs (1983).
Melanostoma scalare (Fabricius, 1794)
5/8/00. My specimen 800 (female). Many others seen. Identified
from Stubbs (1983).
Neoascia podagrica (Fabricius, 1775)
12/8/00. My specimen 819 (female). Identified from Stubbs (1983)
and Plant (1999).
Platycheirus albimanus (Fabricius, 1781)
5/8/00. My specimen 752 (female). Identified from Stubbs (1996).
Rhingia campestris Meigen, 1822
5/8/00. My specimen 760 (male). Several others seen. Identified
from Stubbs (1983).
Syrphus ribesii (Linnaeus, 1758)
24/8/00. My specimen 917 (male). Identified from Stubbs (1983).
Xylota segnis (Linnaeus, 1758)
5/8/00. My specimens 758, 759 (female). Identified from Stubbs (1983).
Numerous, sunning themselves on leaves.
Cephalops (Cephalops) aeneus Fallén, 1810
17/8/00. My specimen 989 (male). Identified from Coe (1966) and
Von der Dunk (1997).
Cephalops (Semicephalops) semifumosus (Kowarz, 1887)
24/8/00. My specimens 988 (female), 1016 (male). Identified from
Coe (1966) and Von der Dunk (1997). IDENTIFICATION TO BE
Chalarus pughi Coe, 1966.
17/8/00. My specimen 990 (female). Identified from Coe (1966) and
Von der Dunk (1997).
Pipunculus campestris Latreille, 1802.
24/8/00. My specimen 1019 (male). Identified from Coe (1966) and
Von der Dunk (1997).
Homalocephala albitarsis Zetterstedt, 1838
5/8/00. My specimen 799 (female). Identified from Clements (1990).
This is the species which used to be called H. bipunctata (Loew,
1854). Confusingly the species which used to be called H.
albitarsis is now H. biumbrata (Wahlberg, 1838).
Philophylla caesio (Harris, 1780)
5/8/00. My specimen 798 (female). Identified from White (1988).
This species is Myoleja caesio in White.
Calliopum aeneum (Fallén, 1820)
17/8/00. My specimen 880 (female). Identified from Collin (1948).
Lyciella decipiens (Loew, 1847)
12/8/00. My specimen 808 (male). 17/8/00. 882 (male) Identified
from Collin (1948).
Lyciella rorida (Fallén, 1820)
5/8/00. My specimens 811 (female). Deep tree shade. 12/8/00. 809
(female). Identified from Collin (1948)
Minettia longipennis (Fabricius, 1794)
17/8/00. My specimen 881 (female). Identified from Collin (1948)
Tricholauxania praeusta (Fallén, 1820)
5/8/00. My specimen 810 (female). Deep shade of trees. Identified
from Collin (1948).
Neuroctena anilis (Fallén, 1820)
5/8/00. My specimen 779 (male). Deep shade of trees. Identified
from Steyskal (1957). Previously listed as Dryomyza anilis.
Tetanocera ferruginea Fallén, 1820
24/8/00. My specimen 934 (female). Identified from Rozkosný (1984).
Tetanocera hyalipennis von Roser, 1840
17/8/00. My specimen 878 (male). Identified from Rozkosný (1984).
Sepsis fulgens Meigen, 1826.
17/8/00. My specimen 886 (male). Identified from Pont (1979).
Sepsis orthocnemis Frey, 1908.
17/8/00. My specimen 1020 (male). Identified from Pont (1979).
Themira leachi (Meigen, 1826)
17/8/00. My specimen 1022 (female). Identified from Pont (1979).
Agromyza mobilis Meigen, 1830
5/8/00. My specimen 1004 (male). Identified from Spencer (1972
and 1976).
Chromatomyia milii (Kaltenbach, 1864)
24/8/00. My specimens 1002, 1003 (male). Identified from Spencer
(1972 and 1976). This species is Phytomyza milii in
Liriomyza flaveola (Fallén, 1823)
17/8/00. My specimens 1000, 1001 (female). Identified from
Spencer (1972 and 1976).
Opomyza florum (Fabricius, 1794)
29/7/00 Numerous. No specimens retained. Identification checked
in Drake (1993).
Opomyza germinationis (Linnaeus, 1758)
29/7/00. Male specimen (not retained). Identified from Drake (1993).
Asteia amoena Meigen, 1830
12/8/00. My specimen 851 (male). Identified from Chandler (1978).
Tricimba (Tricimba) lineella (Fallén, 1820)
12/8/00. My specimen 850 (female). Identified from Collin (1946).
Chlorops species were numerous but I have no literature
for identifying them.
Suillia variegata (Loew, 1862)
5/8/00. My specimens 782 (female). 17/8/00. 905 (female). Deep
shade beneath trees. Identified from Withers (1987).
Leptocera (Leptocera) fontinalis (Fallén, 1826)
29/7/00. My specimens 842 (female). 5/8/00. 845, 846 (female)
Deep shade beneath trees. Identified from Pitkin (1988) and Rohácek
(1982). Numerous. Opacifons coxata (Stenhammar, 1855)
29/7/00. My specimen 843 (female). 17/8/00 865 (male) Deep shade
beneath trees. Identified from Pitkin (1988). Numerous.
Campichoeta punctum (Meigen, 1830)
17/8/00. My specimen 879 (female). Identified from Chandler (1986).
Drosophila (Drosophila) phalerata Meigen, 1830.
5/8/00. My specimen 839 (male). 12/8/00. 820 (female). Identified
from dAssis Fonseca (1965) and Shorrocks (1972). A fungus-feeding
woodland species. Drosophila (Lordiphosa) andalusiaca Strobl,
27/8/00. My specimens 897, 898, 899 (female). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1965).
Drosophila (Lordiphosa) fenestrarum Fallén, 1823
29/7/00. My specimen 833 (female). 5/8/00. 801, 841 (female). 12/8/00.
821 (male). Identified from dAssis Fonseca (1965) with help
from Shorrocks (1972).
Scaptomyza (Scaptomyza) flava (Fallén, 1823)
5/8/00. My specimen 840 (female). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1965).
Scaptomyza (Parascaptomyza) pallida (Zetterstedt, 1847)
29/7/00. No specimens retained. Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1965).
Ditrichophora calceata (Meigen, 1830)
17/8/00. My specimens 874, 875, 876. 24/8/00. specimen 1006 (female).
Identified from Collin (1943). Confirmed from Martin Drakes
MS keys. Numerous. Ditrichophora palliditarsis(Becker,
17/8/00. My specimens 872, 1021, 1023. Identified from Collin (1943)
and Martin Drakes MS keys.
Gymnoclasiopa plumosa (Fallén, 1823)
17/8/00. My specimens 873, 877 (female), 901 (male). Identified
from Collin (1943). Numerous.
Parydra coarctata (Fallén, 1813)
24/8/00. My specimen 1005 (male). Identified from MS keys from
Martin Drake.
Hydrellia and Notiphila species were present but
none were collected.
Norellisoma spinimanum (Fallén, 1819)
5/8/00. My specimen 743 (male). 12/8/00. 894 (male). Identified
from Collin (1958). I have spelt the name as in Collin and in the
current check list (Chandler, 1998), but Nelson and Sifner (2000)
who have recently reviewed the genus spell the name N. spinimana
and I cant help thinking they are right.
Scathophaga stercoraria (Linnaeus, 1758)
17/8/00. Two females captured but not retained. Identified from
Collin (1958).
Eudasyphora cyanella (Meigen, 1826)
24/8/00. My specimen 920 (female). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1968).
Graphomya maculata (Scopoli, 1763)
24/8/00. My specimen 921 (male). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1968).
Morellia simplex (Loew, 1857)
24/8/00. My specimen 922 (female). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1968).
Muscina levida (Harris, 1780)
24/8/00. My specimen 923 (male). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1968). This species is M. assimilis (Fallén, 1823) in dAssis
Polietes lardarius (Fabricius, 1781)
24/8/00. My specimen 928 (male). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1968).
Calliphora vomitoria (Linnaeus, 1758)
17/8/00. My specimen 887 (male). Basking on leaves. Identified
from Erzinçlioglu (1996) and Rognes (1991). Two other specimens
identified but not retained.
Lucilia ampullacea Villeneuve, 1922
24/8/00. My specimen 927 (male). Identified from Rognes (1991).
Uncommon species according to van Emden.
Lucilia caesar (Linnaeus, 1758)
24/8/00. My specimens 924 (female), 925, 926 (male). Identified
from Rognes (1991). Common basking on leaves.
Pollenia species identified by David Green:
Pollenia angustigena (male) Pollenia pediculata (female)
Pollenia labialis (female
Sarcophaga dissimilis Meigan (male) det. David Green
Epicampocera succinata (Meigen, 1824)
24/8/00. My specimen 956 (female). Identified from Belshaw (1993).
Tachina fera (Linnaeus, 1761)
24/8/00. My specimen 916 (female). Heracleum flower on the edge
of the wood. Identified from Belshaw (1993). Previously Echinomya
Siphona species also present but not identified.
SO 841 613 Grimley Brick Pits.
Batches 90, 100. The First Mud Pool. A consolidated pool bottom
of firm, wet mud coated with Lemna. Very sparsely vegetated but
with tall, rank, surrounding vegetation. Extensively sheltered by
tall trees but with good light penetration.
Episyrphus balteatus (De Geer, 1776)
12/8/00. Identified by inspection.
Leptocera (Leptocera) fontinalis (Fallén, 1826)
5/8/00. Several males and females (not retained) identified from
Pitkin (1988). Collected by sweeping just above the mud.
Drosophila (Lordiphosa) fenestrarum Fallén, 1823
5/8/00. My specimen 823 (male). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1965).
Batch 93. The Himalayan Forest. An extensive forest of Himalayan
Balsam, growing far higher than head height. Wet but not boggy
underfoot with a considerable amount of dead, sodden timber.
Flies were pooted directly from the leaves.
Dilophus febrilis (Linnaeus, 1758)
29/7/00. My specimen 742 (female). Identified from Freeman and
Lane (1985).
Lonchoptera lutea Panzer, 1809
29/7/00. One female collected (not retained). Identified from
Smith (1969).
Leptocera (Leptocera) fontinalis (Fallén, 1826)
29/7/00. Female specimen not retained. Identified from Pitkin,
Drosophila (Lordiphosa) fenestrarum Fallén, 1823
29/7/00. My specimen 826 (male). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1965).
Drosophila (Lordiphosa) andalusiaca Strobl, 1906
29/7/00. My specimens 827, 828, 829 (female). 830 (male) is
tentatively identified by association with the females.
Identified from dAssis Fonseca (1965) and Shorrocks (1972).
A rare species according to Shorrocks but this may be because it
is not attracted to Drosophila traps.
SO 840 614 Grimley Brick Pits.
Batch 91. The Mint Clearing. A further consolidated pool bed,
thick with growing mint, much trodden down by the rest of the
party. Heavily sheltered by trees but with sunlight reaching
through to the ground.
A species of Atrichopogon was present. These are very
difficult to identify.
Argyra leucocephala (Meigen, 1824)
29/7/00. My specimen 736 (female). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1978).
Campsicnemus curvipes (Fallén, 1823)
12/8/00. Abundant at this location. No specimens retained as
identification was obvious.
Campsicnemus scambus (Fallén, 1823)
12/8/00. My specimen 813 (male). Abundant at this location.
Identified from dAssis Fonseca (1978).
Poecilobothrus nobilitatus (Linnaeus, 1767)
29/7/00. Numerous. No specimens retained as identification was
Episyrphus balteatus (De Geer, 1776)
29/7/00. Numerous. No specimens caught as identification was
Syrphus torvus Osten Sacken, 1875
29/7/00. My specimen 734 (male). Identified from Stubbs (1993).
Sepedon spinipes (Scopoli, 1763)
29/7/00. My specimen 730 (female). Identified from Rozkosný (1984).
Tetanocera ferruginea Fallén, 1820.
29/7/00. My specimen 731 (female). Identified from Rozkosný (1984).
Sepsis punctum (Fabricius, 1794)
29/7/00. My specimen 910 (male). Identified from Pont (1979).
Themira annulipes (Meigen, 1826)
29/7/00. My specimen 909 (female). Identified from Pont (1979).
Elachiptera cornuta (Fallén, 1820)
29/7/00. My specimen 907 (female). Identified from Collin (1945).
Elachiptera tuberculifera (Corti, 1909)
29/7/00. My specimen 908 (male). Identified from Collin (1945).
Opacifons coxata (Stenhammar, 1855)
29/7/00. Male not retained. Identified from Pitkin (1988).
Drosophila (Lordiphosa) fenestrarum Fallén, 1823
12/8/00. My specimen 825 (male). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1965).
Scaptomyza (Scaptomyza) flava (Fallén, 1823)
12/8/00. My specimen 824 (female). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1965).
Coenia curvicauda (Meigen, 1830)
29/7/00. My specimen 906 (female). Identified from Martin Drakes
MS keys..
Ectopsocus briggsi McLachan, 1899.
29/7/00. Numerous. Female identified from New (1974).
SO 839 615 Grimley Brick Pits..
Batch 92. The Sedge. An extensive stand of tall Sedge. Sheltered
but little shaded by surrounding trees.
Psectrotanypus varius (Fabricius, 1787)
29/7/00. My specimen 1010 (male; spirit storage). Identified from
Pinder (1978).
Campsicnemus curvipes (Fallén, 1823)
29/7/00 Male and female (not retained). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1978).
Dolichopus griseipennis Stannius, 1831
29/7/00 My specimen 740 (female). Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1978).
Lonchoptera lutea Panzer, 1809
29/7/00 Female specimen (not retained). Identified from Smith (1969).
Abundant in the sedge.
Sepedon spinipes (Scopoli, 1763)
29/7/00 My specimen 729 (male). Identified from Rozkosný (1984).
Tetanocera ferruginea Fallén, 1820.
29/7/00 My specimen 728 (female). Identified from Rozkosný (1984).
Sepsis punctum (Fabricius, 1794)
29/7/00. Two male specimens not retained. Identified from Pont (1979).
Opomyza florum (Fabricius, 1794)
29/7/00 Present in vast numbers throughout the area but
particularly in the sedge at this location. (Note: This species
first appeared in large numbers in Feckenham Wylde Moor the
previous week.) No specimens retained. Identification checked in
Drake (1993).
Elachiptera cornuta (Fallén, 1820)
29/7/00. My specimen 1024. Identified from Collin, 1945.
Opacifrons coxata (Stenhammar, 1855)
29/7/00. My specimens 834, 835, 837 (female), 836, 838 (male).
Identified from Pitkin (1988). Abundant.
Scaptomyza (Parascaptomyza) pallida (Zetterstedt, 1847)
29/7/00. Female not retained. Identified from dAssis
Fonseca (1978).
Coenia curvicauda (Meigen, 1830)
29/7/00. My specimen 913 (female). Identified from Martin Drakes
MS keys..
Peripsocus subfasciatus (Rambur, 1842)
29/7/00. A small colony from the deeply furrowed bark of a tree.
Two specimens examined, both female. Identified from New (1974).
Additions received 15 Nov 2000
SO 842 613 Riverside path. Grimley Brick Pits.
Ilisia maculata (Meigen, 1804)
17/8/00. My specimen 1170 (male). Identified from Coe (1950).
Cephalops semifumosus (Kowarz, 1887)
17/8/00. My specimen 1047 (male). The riverside path, Grimley
Brick Pits. Identity confirmed (at last!) from Ackland (1993).
Phytoliriomyza melampyga (Loew, 1869)
29/7/00. My specimen 1025 (male). The Balsam Forest, Grimley
Brick Pits. Identified from Spencer (1976). I am not skilled with
agromyzids and am doing a follow-up investigation of them this
winter. But in view of the urgency...
Now that I have keys to Ephydridae I am sorry I didnt
collect lots of them.
Coenia palustris (Meigen, 1830)
29/7/00. My specimen 911 (male). The black sedge area. Identified
from Martin Drakes MS keys.
Parydra coarctata (Fallén, 1813)
24/8/00. My specimen 1005. The riverside path, Grimley Brick Pits.
Identified from Martin Drakes MS keys and Becker (1926).
![]() | Belshaw R. (1993) Tachinid Flies. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10 (4a(i)); R. ent. Soc. Lond. |
![]() | Chandler, P. J. (1978) A revision of the British Asteiidae (Diptera) including two additions to the British list. Proceedings and Transactions of the British Entomological and Natural History Society 11: 23-34. |
![]() | Chandler P. J. (1986). The British species of Diastata Meigen and Campichoeta Macquart (Diptera: Drosophiloidea). Proceedings and Transactions of the British entomological and natural history Society 19: 9-16. |
![]() | Chandler P. (ed) (1998) Checklists of Insects of the British Isles (New Series) Part 1: Diptera. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 12, R. ent. Soc. Lond. |
![]() | Chvála, M. (1975). The Tachydromiinae (Dipt: Empididae) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica 3. |
![]() | Chvála, M. (1997). A revision of the European species of the Hilara flavipes - group (Diptera, Empididae), with new synonymies and description of a new species. Studia Dipterologica 4(2): 463-472. |
![]() | Clements, D. K. 1990. Provisional keys to the Otitidae and Platystomatidae of the British Isles. Dipterists Digest 6: 32-41. |
![]() | Coe R.L. (1950) Family Tipulidae. In Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 9: (1). R. ent. Soc. Lond. |
![]() | Collin J.E. (1946). The British Genera and Species of Oscinellinae. Trans. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 97: 117-48. |
![]() | Collin J. E. (1948). A Short Synopsis of the British Sapromyzidae (Diptera). Trans. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 99: 225-42. |
![]() | Collin J.E. (1958). A Short Synopsis of the British Scatophagidae (Diptera). Trans. Soc. Brit. Ent. 13: 37-56. |
![]() | Colyer C. N. and Hammond C. O. (1968) Flies of the British Isles. Second Edition. Warne & Co. |
![]() | DAssis Fonseca E. C. M. (1965). A Short Key to the British Drosophilidae (Diptera) including a new species of Amiota. Trans. Soc. Brit. Ent. 16 (X): 233-244. |
![]() | DAssis Fonseca E. C. M. (1968). Diptera Cyclorrhapha Calyptrata Section (b) Muscidae. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10(4b). R. ent. Soc. Lond. |
![]() | DAssis Fonseca E. C. M. (1978). Diptera: Orthorrhapha: Brachycera: Dolichopodidae. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 9(5). R. ent. Soc. Lond. |
![]() | Drake C. M. (1993). A Review of the British Opomyzidae (Diptera). Br. J. Ent. Nat. Hist. 6: 159-176. |
![]() | Erzinçlioglu Z. (1996). Blowflies. Naturalists Handbooks 23, Richmond Publishing. |
![]() | Freeman, P. (1950) Family Anisopodidae (Rhyphidae) in Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 9: (1). R. ent. Soc. Lond. |
![]() | Freeman P. and Lane R. P. (1985). Bibionid and Scatopsid Flies. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 9 (7). R. ent. Soc. Lond. |
![]() | Hutson A. M., Ackland D. M. and Kidd L. N. (1980) Mycetophilidae (Bolitophilinae, Ditomyiinae, |
![]() | Diadocidiinae, Keroplatinae, Sciophilinae and Manotinae) Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 9 (3). R. ent. Soc. Lond. |
![]() | Ismay J. W. (1999). The British and Irish Genera of Chloropinae (Dipt: Chloropidae). Entomologists mon. Mag. 135 (1): 1-37. |
![]() | Nelson J. M. and Sifner F. (2000). A redescription of Norellisoma flavicorne (Meigen, 1826) (Dipt, Scathophagidae) with an account of its biology and notes on other members of the genus. Entomologists monthly Magazine 136: 31-35. |
![]() | New, T. R. (1974) Psocoptera. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 1 (7). |
![]() | Oldroyd H. (1969). Diptera Brachycera. Section (a) Tabanoidea and Asiloidea. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 9 (4). R. ent. Soc. Lond. |
![]() | Pinder L.C.V. (1978) A Key to the Adult Males of British Chironomidae. Freshwater Biological Association. |
![]() | Plant, C. W. (1997). A Key to the Adults of British Lacewings and their Allies. AIDGAP, Field Studies Council. |
![]() | Plant, C. W. (1999). A test key to European Neascia species. Hoverfly Newsletter 27, p.4 in Bulletin of the Dipterists Forum 47, Feb 1999. |
![]() | Rognes K. (1991). Blowflies (Diptera, Calliphoridae) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica 24. |
![]() | Rohácek J. (1982). Revision of the subgenus Leptocera (s.s.) of Europe (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae). Entomologische Abhandlungen Staatlichen Museum für Tierkunde in Dresden 46: 1-44. |
![]() | Rozkosný, R. (1984) The Sciomyzidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica 14. |
![]() | Shorrocks, B. (1972). Invertebrate Types: Drosophila. Ginn & Co., London. |
![]() | Smith K. G. V. (1969). Diptera Lonchopteridae. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10 (2). R. ent. Soc. Lond. |
![]() | Snow K. R. (1990). Mosquitoes. Naturalists Handbooks 14, Richmond Publishing |
![]() | Spencer K. A. (1972) Diptera: Agromyzidae. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10 (5g): R. ent. Soc. Lond. |
![]() | Spencer, K. A. (1976). The Agromyzidae (Diptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica 5. 2 vols. |
![]() | Steyskal, G. C. (1957). A revision of the family Dryomyzidae (Diptera, Acalyptratae). Papers from the Michigan Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters 42: 55-68. |
![]() | Stubbs A.E. (1983). British Hoverflies; an Illustrated Identification Guide. British Entomological and Natural History Society. |
![]() | Stubbs A.E. (1996). British Hoverflies; Second Supplement. British Entomological and Natural History Society. |
![]() | Van Emden F. I. (1954). Diptera Cyclorrhapha Calyptrata (i) Section (a) Tachinidae and Calliphoridae. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10 (4a). R. Ent. Soc. Lond. |
![]() | Von der Dunk, K. (1997). Key to Central European species of Pipunculidae (Diptera). Studia Dipterologica 4(2): 289-335. |
![]() | White I. M. (1988). Tephritid Flies. Diptera: Tephritidae. Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects 10 (5a). R. ent. Soc. Lond. |
Chirosia betuleti Gall on fern Dryopteris felix-mas. (J
Stratiomys potamida large soldier fly (GHGreen/GHTrevis)
J Meiklejohn
Agonum assimile
Agonum obscurum
Agonum versutum
Anobium punctatum
Anotylus rugosus
Bembidion dentellum
Calvia 14-guttata
Cercyon sp.
Coccinella 7-punctata
Elaphrus cupreus
Helophorus brevipalpis
Leiopus nebulosus
Loricera pilicornis
Oulema melanopa
Philonthus nigrita
Phyllotreta vittula
Prasocuris junci
Pterostichus cupreus
Pterostichus madidus
Tachinus signatus
Anthocoris nemorum
Coranus subapterus
Corixa affinis
Corixa punctata
Gerris lacustris
Hydrometra stagnorum
Notonecta glauca
Stroggylocephalus agrestis
Enallagma cyathigerum
Meconema thalassinum
Eriophyes laevis inangulis (gall on alder)
Lithobius forficatus
Oniscus asellus
Philoscia muscorum
Porcellio scaber
Derocerus reticulatum
Discus rotundatus
Physa fontinalis
Succinea putris
Trichia hispidus
Trichia striolata
Dicranopalpus ramosus
Leiobunum rotundum
Oligolophus tridens
G H Trevis
Bumble bees: Bombus leucorum, B. pascuorum and B.
Honey bee: Apis mellifera
Wasps: Two nests seen were common wasp - Vespula vulgaris
John Partridge
Achaearana lunata *
Bathyphantes gracilis
Clubiona phragmitis *
Erigone atra
Gnathonarium dentatum
Gongylidium rufipes
Lepthyphantes zimmermanni
Nuctunea umbratica
Oedothorax fuscus
Pirata piraticus *
Porhomma pygmaeum
Tetragnatha montana
The * species are new hectad records
In addition two OPILIONES
Oligolophus tridens
Dicranopalpus ramosus
Records from Kevin McGee
sylvestris. 2 along riverside approach path. ESSEX SKIPPER. Thymelicus
lineola. 1 possibly photographed along approach path, it will
need confirmation or otherwise by ANBSimpson upon return of slide.
SADLY NOT. Definitely a Small Skipper.
LARGE WHITE. Pieris brassicae. 2 along approach path.
SMALL WHITE. Pieris rapae. 2 along approach path.
GREEN-VEINED WHITE. Pieris napi. 20+ along path and inside
PURPLE HAIRSTREAK. Quercusia quercus. 1 up in a riverside
oak in the woodland.
SMALL TORTOISESHELL. Aglais urticae. 3 along approach path.
PEACOCK. Inachis io. 10+ at Hemp Agrimony along approach
COMMA. Polygonia c-album. 2 at Hemp Agrimony along
approach path.
SPECKLED WOOD. Pararge aegeria. 2 at riverside path inside
GATEKEEPER. Pyronia tithonus. 40+ along approach path.
MEADOW BROWN. Maniola jurtina. 10+ along approach path.
RINGLET. Aphantopus hyperantus. 1 along approach path.
THE VAPOURER. Orgyia antiqua. 1 male at riverside path
inside woodland.
THE VAPOURER. Orgyia antiqua. 1 larva, (fully grown), on
Purple Loosestrife inside woodland.
COMMON CARPET. Epirrhoe alternata alternata. 1
photographed along approach path.
MOTHER OF PEARL. Pleuroptya ruralis. 1 at riverside path inside woodland.
BANDED DEMOISELLE. Agrion splendens. 20+ at riverside
path inside woodland.
EMERALD DAMSELFLY. Lestes sponsa. 2 males amongst sedges
inside the woodland.
WHITE-LEGGED DAMSELFLY. Platycnemis pennipes. 2, (male,
female), at riverside path inside woodland.
BLUE-TAILED DAMSELFLY. Ischnura elegans. 2 along approach
BROWN HAWKER. Aeshna grandis. 1 at riverside in woodland.
COMMON DARTER. Sympetrum striolatum. 3 (imm) along
approach path.
Rhagonycha fulva. (Cantharidae, common). 100+
throughout study area.
Leiopus nebulosus. (Cerambycidae, local). 1 photographed
on sedges inside woodland. Specimen with J.Meiklejohn.
Calvia quattuordecimguttata. (Coccinellidae, common). 1 on
Flag Iris inside woodland.
Loricera pilicornis. (Carabidae, common). 2 under Alder
log inside woodland.
Agonum albipes. (Carabidae, common). 2 under bark of Alder
log inside woodland.
Cantharis nigra. (Cantharidae, common). 1 photographed
inside woodland. Confirmed by P.F.Whitehead.
Phyllodecta vulgatissima. (Chrysomelidae, local). 1 of
about 20 photographed on Willow at riverside. Confirmed by P.F.Whitehead.
Dolichonabis limbatus. 1 at riverside path inside
Deraeocoris ruber. 10+ throughout study area.
Phytocoris ulmi. 1 photographed on Comfrey at riverside.
Confirmed by P.F.Whitehead.
Plagiognathus arbustorum. 1 photographed on Comfrey at
riverside. Confirmed by P.F.Whitehead.
Calocoris norvegicus. 1 photographed on Comfrey at
riverside. Confirmed by P.F.Whitehead.
Cicadella viridis. 1 at riverside path inside woodland.
DARK BUSH-CRICKET. Pholidoptera griseoaptera. 1 male at riverside path inside woodland.
Xiphydria camelus. 1 photographed on Alder branch
inside woodland.
Larva photographed on Flag Iris inside woodland. Could be
possible to determine species, (eventually)!
Heron, green woodpecker, great-spotted woodpecker, buzzard, nuthatch, blackcap, chiffchaff.
SMOOTH NEWT. 1 young individual was under bark of Alder log inside woodland.
J Meiklejohn
Aegopodium podagraria
Alnus glutinosa
Angelica sylvestris
Anthriscus sylvestris
Brachypodium sylvaticum
Campanula trachelium
Carduus crispus
Carex acutiformis
Carex riparia
Circaea lutetiana
Crataegus monogyna
Dactylis glomeratus
Elymus caninus
Elytrigia repens
Galium aparine
Galium mollugo
Geranium pratense
Geum urbanum
Glechoma hederacea
Hedera helix
Heracleum sphondylium
Impatiens glandulifera
Iris pseudacorus
Lapsana conununis
Ligustrum vulgare
Lycopus europaeus
Lysimachia vulgaris
Lythrum salicaria
Mentha aquatica
Myosotis scorpioides
Phyllitis scolopendrium
Plantago major
Poa nemoralis
Polygonum cuspidatum
Quercus robur
Ranunculus repens
Rubus sp.
Salix cinerea
Salix fragilis
Salix purpurea
Salix viminalis
Sambucus nigra
Senecio palustris
Silene x hampeana
Solanum dulcamara
Stachys sylvatica
Urtica dioica
Veronica montana
J Meiklejohn
Cladonia coniocraea
Evernia prunastri
Hypogymnia physodes
Lepraria incana
Parmelia sulcata
Usnea subfloridana
Mark Lawley
Amblystegium riparium
Amblystegium serpens
Amblystegium tenax
Barbilophozia cyli
Brachythecium rutabulum
Bryum bicolor
Bryum capillare
Ceratodon purpureus
Dicranella varia
Dicranoweisia cirrata
Didymodon (formerly Barbula) nicholsonii
Eurhynchium praelongum
Eurhynchium swarzii
Fissidens bryoides
Fissidens crassipes
Fissidens taxifolius
Hennediella stanfordensis
Homalia trichomanoides
Hypnum cupressiforme
Hypnum mammillatum
Leskea polycarpa
Mnium hornum
Orthotrichum affine
Orthtrichum diaphanum
Plagiomnium undulatum
Plagiothecium denticulatum
Plagiothecium succulentum
Pohlia carnea
Rhizomnium punctatum
Tortula latifolia
Tortula muralis
Zygodon viridissimus
Mark Lawley
Conocephalum conicum
Lophocolea bidentata
Lunularia cruciata
Metzgeria furcata
Metzgeria temperata
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