Kevin McGee.

Regular readers will be aware that I usually reproduce some of my more interesting slides, however, I am sorry to report that my transparency scanner has broken down and is still away for repair! I am hoping to provide pictures of a selection of the following records in the spring 2004 issue.

I have started to take a serious interest in three groups of the Hymenoptera; Sphecidae (Solitary Wasps), Pompilidae (Spider-hunting Wasps), and Chrysididae (Ruby-tailed Wasps etc). I do not intend to publish any of my records regarding these species for some time yet, a few will need verification, and little is presently understood about the distribution of these insects in Worcestershire. From what I can gather much of the work being done on a national basis is concentrated in the typical habitat associated with these families, namely sandy heathland areas. A lot is known about Hartlebury Common for instance (a site of national importance). My studies are concentrated on woodland species, which are less easy to locate and capture, and anyway, our county is predominately more important for its ancient woodland/unimproved meadow habitats than any other sort. So with this in mind I have omitted records pertaining to the above until my findings make more sense at a later date.

I haven’t neglected other orders, and 2003 has been a pretty spectacular entomological year, with near perfect weather conditions for a change! The following are selected highlights; where known, I have included the national status for each species, which appear in alphabetical order by Family.


Essex Skipper. Thymelicus lineola (Hesperiidae). Many observers were surprised to see so many during the ‘Recorders’ field-trip to the Gwen Finch Reserve on 5.7.03. I made an approximate count of 15.

Brown Argus. Aricia agestis (Lycaenidae). One was noted on the boundary of Deerfold Wood near Drakes Broughton on 28.7.03.

Green Hairstreak. Callophrys rubi (Lycaenidae). Three were noted amongst regenerating Gorse following fire damage at Castlemorton Common on 29.5.03.

White Admiral. Limenitis Camilla (Nymphalidae). Up to three were seen at Deerfold Wood near Drakes Broughton, one freshly emerged specimen was photographed at Bramble flowers on 22.6.03.

Clouded Yellow. Colias crocea (Pieridae). One was seen at Ashmoor Common, SO850470, on 3.8.03. The specimen rarely settled, as is so often the case with this species.

Macro Moths.

Rosy Footman. Miltochrista miniata (Arctiidae). Local. One was found at rest on Oak foliage at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, on 21.6.03. A known site for this uncommon species.

Blue-bordered Carpet. Plemyria rubiginata (Geometridae). One was disturbed in an area of Alder carr in a wet section of Deerfold Wood near Drakes Broughton on 22.6.03. My first record for this species.

The Lackey. Malacosoma neustria (Lasiocampidae). Three fully-grown larva were found on Birch foliage at Grafton Wood on 28.5.03. Three more larva were on Bramble foliage at Castlemorton Common on 29.5.03.

The Sycamore. Acronicta aceris. (Noctuidae). Local. I found an adult at rest on an Oak trunk on the boundary of Deerfold Wood near Drakes Broughton on 12.7.03. This is my second record for the species in this locality following the one I found near Mill Meadow on 25.6.00., which at the time was the first definite county record. The Sycamore has since been more widely recorded in Worcestershire.

Hornet Moth. Sesia apiformis (Sesiidae). Notable B. Two recently evacuated pupa at their emergence exits were found towards the bases of hybrid Poplar trees during the ‘Recorders’ field-trip at the Gwen Finch reserve on 5.7.03.

Yellow-legged Clearwing. Synanthedon vespiformis (Sesiidae). Notable B. A female was photographed ovipositing in the stump of a storm-blown Oak at Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton on 21.6.03. My first record for this species.

Humming Bird Hawk. Macroglossum stellatarum (Sphingidae). One briefly visited flowers of Rudbeckia in our garden, Drakes Broughton, during the evening of 1.9.03.

Micro Moths.

Nemophora cupriacella (Incurvariidae).Rare. One female was photographed on flowers of Hogweed along the boundary of Deerfold Wood near Drakes Broughton on 29.6.03. The identification has been confirmed by Dr.A.N.B.Simpson. This is my 2nd record of this rare species west of Pershore following a female I photographed at nearby Tiddesley Wood on 19.7.98. I believe there are only two other known sites elsewhere in Worcestershire.

Alabonia geoffrella (Oecophoridae). A superb fresh specimen of this distinctive species was photographed on Honeysuckle foliage at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, on 25.5.03.

Luffia ferchaultella (Psychidae). This was one of those occasions when mistaken identity can be rather embarrassing! I was at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, on 21.4.03., when I found what I immediately thought were 3 larva of the Land Caddis, Enoicyla pusilla, crawling around on the top of an Oak stump. The presence of Land Caddis in this part of Worcestershire is very unlikely, however, I convinced Harry Green that this was definitely what I had found and consequently sent him on a wild goose chase in the surrounding area to locate more…..which of course he didn’t! He later told me they could be the larva of one of the ‘case-bearing’ micro-moths, consequently I found several more of the same larva on the Oak stump at Mill Meadow on 18.5.03. I collected one and photographed several others. Both Paul Whitehead and Tony Simpson have since identified the larva as those of Luffia ferchaultella. It goes to show how careful one must be about naming a species with total certainty.

(NOTE by Harry Green: Following Kevin’s report we searched nearby Deerfold Woods (with Croome Estate Office’s permission) on 18th May 2003 for land caddis but found none. We then went to Mill Meadow and searched trees and stumps where Kevin had seen cased larvae. We found a few moving about and on very close examination could see that the occupant was a caterpillar-type larva. The cases were approximately 1 cm long or less and rather more bulbous in appearance than caddis - Luffia ferchaultella larvae are known as Bagworms. We also found considerable clusters of old cases from which the moths had probably emerged - see picture. I am hoping that Tony Simpson will write an article on case-bearing lepidoptera for a future edition of Worcestershire Record).


Emerald Damselfly. Lestes sponsa (Lestidae). One male was found in luxuriant vegetation alongside the pool at Ashmoor Common on 3.8.03.


Choerades marginatus (Asilidae). Local. I first became acquainted with this handsome Robber-fly at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, during 2002, when I also saw a fleeting glimpse of one at Tiddesley Wood. I can confirm that the species is definitely present at Tiddesley, with one on a log-pile there on 24.8.03. I have also found the species at Deerfold Wood, with one male caught & released on 22.6.03. Deerfold is part of the greater complex in which Mill Meadow is contained, so C.marginatus is now firmly established within the woods to the west of Pershore.

Dioctria linearis (Asilidae). This is the most elusive of the commoner Dioctria species in the Drakes Broughton area, I had previously only recorded it at Mill Meadow, so I was pleased to capture a female from Aspen foliage at Tiddesley Wood on 4.8.03. The specimen was released.

Conops flavipes (Conopidae). Most of the Conops species I capture are invariably C.quadrifasciatus, however, two specimens of C.flavipes were found this year; one male from Thistle flowers at Deerfold Wood on 28.7.03., and one male from Angelica flowers at Mill Meadow on 9.8.03. My first records for this species.

Leopoldius signatus (Conopidae). Notable B. This is a rather uncommon late summer species most often taken from Ivy flowers. I have looked for it without success for the last three years, so I was pleased to capture a male from Ivy flowers on a Birch trunk at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, on 21.9.03.

Thecophora atra (Conopidae). Local. This is also an uncommon Conopid, and rather small and grey, however, it is very distinctly a Conopid when seen in the field. The species is most often recorded from the flowers of Devil’s-bit Scabious, this was exactly how I found a male at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, on 30.8.03. My first record for this species.

Stratiomys potamida (Stratiomyidae). Notable B. I was lucky enough to see one of these large, handsome, and uncommon Soldier-flies at Deerfold Wood, near Drakes Broughton, on 28.6.03. I was in a dilemma whether to try and photograph or capture the specimen; it made it’s own mind up and took to flight never to be seen again, despite me hanging around for another hour or so! This was in a particularly wet and muddy section of Deerfold where the public footpath goes. My first record for this species.

Chrysotoxum verralli (Syrphidae). One female of this uncommon Hover-fly was captured at the Gwen Finch reserve during the ‘recorders’ field-trip on 5.7.03. My first record for this species.

Criorhina berberina (Syrphidae). Local. One female, var: ‘oxyacanthae’ was photographed and captured from Field Maple flowers alongside Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton, on 25.5.03. My first record for this species.

Helophilus trivittatus (Syrphidae). One was collected from flowers of Devil’s-bit Scabious at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, on 6.9.03. My first record for this species.

Leucozona (Ischyrosyrphus) laternaria (Syrphidae). One female was collected from Hogweed flowers alongside Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton, on 21.6.03. My first record for this species.

Platycheirus rosarum (Syrphidae). One male was collected from Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, on 19.7.03. My first record for this species.

Rhingia rostrata (Syrphidae). Notable B. This uncommon Hover-fly is fairly easy to find at Tiddesley Wood, however, I am pleased to report it’s presence at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, from 23.8.03 through to September on Devil’s-bit Scabious flowers.

Volucella inflata (Syrphidae). Notable B. This species is known to occur infrequently at Tiddesley Wood, I can confirm it is also present at nearby Deerfold Wood. One female was photographed there visiting Bramble flowers on 6.7.03.

Hybomitra bimaculata (Tabanidae). Local. This is an uncommon & declining Horse-fly most often recorded in damp southern woodlands. It is rather large and blackish in appearance. I was lucky enough to capture a female in the damp section of Deerfold Wood, near Drakes Broughton, on 6.7.03. The weather at the time was extremely hot and sultry, perfect Horse-fly conditions! My first record for this species. I would be grateful to know of any other records from Worcestershire.

Tachina grossa (Tachinidae). Local. I captured one of these spectacular parasitic flies from Heather flowers at Hartlebury Common on 8.8.03. The species is as large as a Bumble-bee and females search out the larva of the family Lasiocampidae; e.g. Fox Moth, in which she will oviposit. My first record for this species. I would be grateful to know of any other records from Worcestershire.

Ctenophora pectinicornis (Tipulidae). Notable B. One female was seen briefly at a log-pile in Grafton Wood on 28.5.03.

Symphyta (Sawflies).

Hartigia linearis (Cephidae). Local. A female of this rather localised species was collected from Fragrant Agrimony at Tiddesley Wood on 15.6.03. My first record for this species.

Abia sericea (Cimbicidae). Local. The colony of this scarce sawfly continues to thrive at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton. I was surprised to find a female at flowers of Field Maple about half a mile distant along the boundary of Mill Rough on 25.5.03. I am still uncertain whether the sawfly had travelled that distance to the nectar source or if there is another unknown colony somewhere else inside Mill Rough.

Zaraea fasciata (Cimbicidae). Local. I recorded one for the first time from Deerfold Wood near Drakes Broughton, at Meadowsweet flowers, on 13.7.03. Two were on Angelica flowers at Monkwood on 7.8.03.

Dolerus ferrugatus (Tenthredinidae). A male of this rather local species was collected from Ramsons at Joans Hole, Wyre Forest, on 26.4.03.

Macrophya punctum-album (Tenthredinidae). A female was collected at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, on 25.5.03. My first record for this species. Another female was seen on flowers of Spurge at Grafton Wood on 28.5.03.

Rhogogaster picta (Tenthredinidae). This rather local sawfly is normally encountered in habitats containing Broom, so I was surprised to capture a female from Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton. The species could be associated with the Dyer’s Greenweed, (related to Broom), which grows in abundance at Mill Meadow. My first record for this species.

Selandria sixii (Tenthredinidae). Local. One of two females was collected from Typha foliage alongside a pool at the Gwen Finch reserve on 5.7.03. A fairly large black sawfly with a bright orange/yellow abdomen, it is infrequently recorded from wetland habitats. My first record for this species.

Xiphydria camelus (Xiphydriidae). Local. Six females were encountered ovipositing in the trunks of dead Birches at Grafton Wood on 28.5.03.


Alydus calcaratus (Alydidae). Local. Two were found amongst ground-litter at Hartlebury Common on 8.8.03. I first became aware of this localised heathland species from the same site on 28.7.01.

Metatropis rufescens (Berytinidae). Local. This distinctive bug is associated with Enchanter’s Nightshade but it can often be found on the foliage of surrounding plants & trees. I found one on Brambles at Deerfold Wood, near Drakes Broughton, on 6.7.03.

Sehirus luctuosus (Cydnidae). Local. One of two was collected from a species of Forget-me-not in our garden, Drakes Broughton, on 4.5.03. My first record for this species.

Miscellaneous records.

Epeolus cruciger (Hymenoptera, Anthophoridae). Local. 1 of about 10 of these Cuckoo Bees was collected from Hartlebury Common on 8.8.03. Confirmed by PF Whitehead. My first record for this species.

Nomada lathburiana (Hymenoptera, Anthophoridae). RDB3. It is now known that this species of Cuckoo Bee is more widespread than first thought, I have collected it at Tiddesley, 18.4.03, & Kempsey Common, 31.5.03.

Nomada rufipes (Hymenoptera, Anthophoridae). Local. 1 female of about 5 of these Cuckoo Bees was collected from Hartlebury Common on 8.8.03.

Vespa crabro (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). Local. The Hornet. This has been abundant in the Deerfold Wood/Mill Meadow complex this summer. Prey species seen taken include Meadow Brown, (Deerfold, 28.7.03), & Silver-Y, (Mill Meadow, 23.8.03). I saw 2 for the first time at Tiddesley Wood on 11.10.03.

Raphidia confinis (Neuroptera, Raphidiidae). Local. A Snake Fly. This is the only Snake Fly I have ever found. A teneral specimen was collected from a Pear trunk at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, on 30.5.03. The identification was confirmed by PF Whitehead.


Hadrobregmus denticollis (Anobiidae). Notable B. One was collected from a congregation of about ten on the underside of a Hawthorn log at the Windmill Hill Reserve on 23.4.03. SP071472. Identification confirmed by PF Whitehead.

Attelabus nitens (Attelabidae). Local. The Oak-leaf roller. One was collected from Oak foliage at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, on 1.6.03. It’s very unusual to find this species in the south-east of the county.

Agrilus angustulus (Buprestidae). Notable B. One of about ten of these small ‘Jewel Beetles’ was collected from a log-pile at Tiddesley Wood on 15.6.03. Another was collected from Oak logs at Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton, on 21.6.03. Identification confirmed by PF Whitehead.

Agrilus panonicus (Buprestidae). Notable A. Paul Whitehead & myself found about eight of these beautiful ‘Jewel Beetles’ congregating on an Oak stump at an undisclosed location during 2003. Although still categorised as a ‘notable A’ species it has probably undergone a recent expansion in it’s national population. My first record for this species.

Amara convexior. (Carabidae). Local. One was collected from a sandy path at Hartlebury Common on 28.3.03. Identification confirmed by PF Whitehead. My first record for this species.

Anisodactylus binotatus (Carabidae). Local. One was collected in flight at Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton, on 5.4.03. Another was collected from under a stone at Ashmoor Common on 18.4.03. Confirmed by PF Whitehead. My first records for this species.

Bembidion mannerheimi (Carabidae). Local. One female was collected from under a Scots Pine log at Tiddesley Wood on 13.4.03. Identification of this genus can be difficult and expert help should be sought. Confirmed by PF Whitehead. My first record for this species.

Pterostichus minor (Carabidae). Local. One of a congregation of about ten was collected from behind bark of an Oak log at Hartlebury Common on 28.3.03. Identification confirmed by PF Whitehead. My first record for this species.

Agapanthia villosoviridescens (Cerambycidae). Local. This spectacular ‘Longhorn Beetle’ is now probably quite widespread in Worcestershire. I photographed one at Grafton Wood on 28.5.03. Several were seen in the Drakes Broughton area during the same period.

Phymatodes alni (Cerambycidae). Notable B. This is possibly a first county record for this small ‘Longhorn Beetle’. I was surprised to find about six of them running about very actively on the surfaces of a small pile of recently cut Oak logs at Castlemorton Common on 29.5.03. The weather at the time was extremely hot and sunny. My first record for this species.

Stenostola dubia (Cerambycidae). Notable B. One female was collected in flight at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, on 30.5.03. Although normally associated with Lime trees it is now thought that S.dubia utilises other tree species, which would make more sense in the Drakes Broughton area. Identification confirmed by PF Whitehead.

Tillus elongatus (Cleridae). Notable B. Two females were photographed on a Beech stump at Kempsey Common during the ‘recorders’ field-trip on 31.5.03.

Antherophagus nigricornis (Cryptophagidae). Local. One was collected from Hogweed flowers on the boundary of Deerfold Wood near Drakes Broughton on 6.7.03. Identification confirmed by PF Whitehead. My first record for this species which isn’t often recorded.

Barynotus moerens (Curculionidae). Local. One of these largish Weevils was collected from Ramsons alongside Dowles Brook, Wyre Forest, on 17.5.03. Not often recorded.

Actenicerus sjaelandicus (Elateridae). Local. One of the more uncommon ‘Click Beetles’, and rather attractive. I collected one from the ground at Castlemorton Common on 29.5.03.It was at exactly the same spot where I found Phymatodes alni on the Oak logs (see earlier note). Identification confirmed by PF Whitehead. My first record for this species.

Typhaeus typhoeus (Geotrupidae). Local. The Minotaur Beetle. A recently dead male was found on the ground at Hartlebury Common on 28.3.03.

Osphya bipunctata (Melandryidae). Rare. I collected one from a Marsh Thistle at Tiddesley Wood on 15.6.03. The site is apparently known for this declining species of conservation concern, which I didn’t realise at the time. Once familiar with it, O.bipunctata should not be collected. Identification confirmed by PF Whitehead. My first record for this species.

Ischnomera sanguinicollis (Oedemeridae). RDB3. One was feeding on Field Maple flowers at Mill Rough, Drakes Broughton, on 25.5.03. Two were on Spurge flowers at Grafton Wood on 28.5.03. Relatively easy to identify in the field, this species should not be collected.

Pyrochroa coccinea (Pyrochroidae). Notable B. The uncommon ‘Cardinal Beetle’ with the black head. One was found amongst low vegetation in a meadow near Lodge Hill Farm, Wyre Forest, on 17.5.03.

Aleurostictus (Gnorimus) nobilis (Scarabaeidae). RDB2. The Noble Chafer. One was at Elder flowers alongside Deerfold Wood near Drakes Broughton on 29.6.03. Another was seen briefly on Meadowsweet flowers at a spot nearby on 13.7.03. These are probably the first records from Deerfold, but it all makes sense with the currently known distribution pattern. One was in flight around Meadowsweet at Tiddesley on 4.8.03. On each occasion the weather was extremely hot, sunny & humid, with midday temperatures at or above 30 degrees celcius.

Onthophagus coenobita (Scarabaeidae). Local. One male was collected from Horse dung during the ‘recorders’ field-trip to Kempsey Common on 31.5.03. Identification confirmed by PF Whitehead.

Elodes marginata (Scirtidae). Local. One was collected from stream-side Ramsons at Joans Hole, Wyre Forest, on 26.4.03. Identification confirmed by PF Whitehead. My first record for this species.

Bolitobius cingulatus (Staphylinidae). Local. A rather distinctive ‘Rove Beetle’. I collected one from an Oak stump at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, on 23.2.03. Identification confirmed by PF Whitehead. My first record for this species.

Paederus fuscipes (Staphylinidae). Notable B. One collected from poolside mud at Ashmoor Common on 3.8.03. Identification confirmed by PF Whitehead. My first record for this species.

Platydracus latebricola (Staphylinidae). Notable B. One collected from an Ant-hill at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, on 4.5.03. Identification confirmed by PF Whitehead. My first record for this species.

Platydracus stercorarius (Staphylinidae). Local. One collected from an Ant-hill at Mill Meadow, Drakes Broughton, on 2.8.03. Identification confirmed by PF Whitehead. My first record for this species.


Lacerta viviparia (Sauria, Lacertidae). Common Lizard. One adult was disturbed at Hartlebury Common on 8.8.03.


Kingfisher. Alcedo atthis (Alcedinidae). A pair bred somewhere along the ‘Stoulton’ brook, in between Mill Rough, and Deerfold Wood, near Drakes Broughton.

Golden Plover. Pluvialis apricaria (Charadriidae). About 50 were seen flying west quite low across the main road in between Pershore & Drakes Broughton at dusk on 10.1.03.

Spotted Flycatcher. Muscicapa striata (Muscicapidae). One adult was seen just inside the north entrance in to Tiddesley Wood on 24.8.03. Later that same afternoon, I saw an adult with two juveniles at Drakes Broughton Orchard. Spotted Flycatchers are rarely seen in this part of the county, these were probably part of a general southward migration of the species.

Grey Partridge. Perdix perdix (Phasianidae). Two were flushed from cover at Ashmoor Common, SO850470, on 18.4.03.

Woodcock. Scolopax rusticola (Scolopacidae). Two were flushed at Tiddesley Wood on 1.3.03.

Chiffchaff. Phylloscopus collybita (Sylviidae). One feeding on small flying ‘Midges’ from Ivy at Drakes Broughton Orchard on 2.3.03 displayed all the plumage attributes of the race ‘tristis’. I had excellent views of the bird through binoculars for about half an hour, it never once called, and showed no sign of yellowish/greenish colouration at all. The pale supercillium was very pronounced.

Nightingale. Luscinia megarhynchos (Turdidae). Two singing males in the Mill Meadow/Mill Rough vicinity, near Drakes Broughton, from 21.4.03 throughout May.

Stonechat. Saxicola torquata (Turdidae). One male at the west end of Castlemorton Common at the foot of the Malverns on 18.1.03.

With grateful thanks to Mr.P.F.Whitehead & Dr.A.N.B.Simpson for their continued assistance with species identification.