By John Day
Discrepancy lists have now been produced for each tetrad detailing all those species not found since 1987 but known to have occurred in the previous twenty years. It is hoped that as many of these as possible can be checked out in the next two years. As a very rough estimate there are about 10,000 records, covering all parts of the county - including many from Wildlife Trust reserves and other top sites.
I would be very pleased to hear from anybody who might be able to help in checking out sites or species. Lists can be supplied for any region of any size. If you feel able to help then please contact me at the address below, with an indication of the area you might be able to cover .
The possibilities of fieldwork may be severely curtailed this year but it would be useful to have peoples names on file for future reference.
I will be in touch, during May, with anybody who has already given me their names .
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