On Sunday 14th April 2002, the day following the indoor Annual
Meeting, about ten of us were able to spend the day in the field
with Garth Foster, which he reports in the previous article. He
demonstrated techniques of catching and identifying water beetles.
At the same time we also gathered many other records, which are
listed below.
Amphipoda | Gammaridae | Gammarus pulex | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86F | Grimley |
Araneae | Linyphiidae | Bathyphantes gracilis | Partridge, W.J. | SO841608 | Grimley |
Araneae | Linyphiidae | Gnathonarium dentatum | Partridge, W.J. | SO841608 | Grimley |
Araneae | Linyphiidae | Hypomma bituberculatum | Partridge, W.J. | SO841608 | Grimley |
Araneae | Linyphiidae | Hypomma bituberculatum | Partridge, W.J. | SO834611 | Grimley |
Araneae | Linyphiidae | Neriene montana | Partridge, W.J. | SO841613 | Grimley Brickpits |
Araneae | Linyphiidae | Oedothorax apicatus | Partridge, W.J. | SO835609 | Grimley |
Araneae | Lycosidae | Pardosa amentata | Partridge, W.J. | SO834611 | Grimley |
Araneae | Lycosidae | Pardosa amentata | Partridge, W.J. | SO841608 | Grimley |
Araneae | Lycosidae | Pirata piraticus | Partridge, W.J. | SO841608 | Grimley |
Araneae | Theridiosomatidae | Theridiosoma gemmosum | Partridge, W.J. | SO841608 | Grimley |
Carnivora | Mustelidae | Lutra lutra | Day, J.J. | SO840614 | Grimley Brickpit |
Carnivora | Mustelidae | Meles meles | Day, J.J. | SO842612 | Grimley Brickpit |
Carnivora | Mustelidae | Meles meles | Day, J.J. | SO835611 | Grimley Gravel Pit |
Coleoptera | Carabidae | Agonum marginatum | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Carabidae | Bembidion dentellum | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO835609 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Carabidae | Bembidion dentellum | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Carabidae | Bembidion quadrimaculatum | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Carabidae | Pterostichus cupreus | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO835609 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae | Aphthona nonstriata | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86F | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae | Aphthona nonstriata | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae | Aphthona nonstriata | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae | Aphthona nonstriata | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley Brickpits |
Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae | Galerucella sagittariae | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO833608 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae | Galerucella sagittariae | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae | Phaedon armoraciae | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Coccinellidae | Adalia decempunctata | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Coccinellidae | Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86F | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Coccinellidae | Tytthaspis sedecimpunctata | Taylor, P.L., Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86F | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Curculionidae | Cidnorhinus quadrimaculatus | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Curculionidae | Notaris acridulus | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Curculionidae | Notaris acridulus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO834611 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Curculionidae | Poophagus sisymbrii | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO86F | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Curculionidae | Poophagus sisymbrii | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Curculionidae | Poophagus sisymbrii | Meiklejohn, J.W., Foster, Prof G.N. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Curculionidae | Poophagus sisymbrii | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley Brickpits |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Agabus bipustulatus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO834608 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Agabus bipustulatus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO842612 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Agabus bipustulatus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO834611 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Colymbetes fuscus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO836609 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Copelatus haemorrhoidalis | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO836609 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Graptodytes granularis | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO836609 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Hydroglyphus pusillus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO833608 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Hydroporus angustatus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO836609 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Hydroporus angustatus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO86F | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Hydroporus angustatus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley Brickpits |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Hydroporus erythrocephalus | Meiklejohn, J.W., Foster, Prof G.N. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Hydroporus erythrocephalus | Green, G.H., Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO834608 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Hydroporus erythrocephalus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO836609 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Hydroporus incognitus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO842612 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Hydroporus palustris | Meiklejohn, J.W., Foster, Prof G.N. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Hydroporus palustris | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO833608 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Hydroporus palustris | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Hydroporus planus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO842612 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Hydroporus planus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley Brickpits |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Hyphydrus ovatus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO833608 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Ilybius ater | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Ilybius ater | Meiklejohn, J.W., Foster, Prof G.N. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Ilybius ater | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley Brickpits |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Laccophilus minutus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO833608 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Rhantus exsoletus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO833608 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Rhantus exsoletus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO836609 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Dytiscidae | Suphrodytes dorsalis | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO836609 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Haliplidae | Haliplus flavicollis | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO833608 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Haliplidae | Haliplus lineatocollis | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO834611 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Haliplidae | Haliplus ruficollis | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO833608 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Haliplidae | Haliplus ruficollis | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO836609 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydraenidae | Hydraena riparia | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydraenidae | Ochthebius minimus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO833608 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydraenidae | Ochthebius minimus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO836609 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydraenidae | Ochthebius minimus | Meiklejohn, J.W., Foster, Prof G.N. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydraenidae | Ochthebius minimus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydraenidae | Ochthebius minimus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO842612 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydraenidae | Ochthebius minimus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley Brickpits |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Anacaena globulus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Anacaena globulus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley Brickpits |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Anacaena limbata s. str. | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO836609 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Anacaena limbata s. str. | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO842612 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Anacaena limbata s. str. | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO834611 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Anacaena limbata s. str. | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO833608 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Cercyon convexiusculus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Cercyon convexiusculus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley Brickpits |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Cercyon littoralis | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Cymbiodyta marginellus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO842612 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Cymbiodyta marginellus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Enochrus coarctatus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO836609 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Enochrus testaceus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO836609 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Helochares lividus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO86F | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Helochares lividus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Helochares lividus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO836609 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Helochares lividus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO833608 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Helochares lividus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley Brickpits |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Helophorus aequalis | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley Brickpits |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Helophorus brevipalpis | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO833608 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Helophorus grandis | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO834611 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Helophorus grandis | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Helophorus grandis | Green, G.H., Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO834608 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Helophorus grandis | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO842612 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Helophorus grandis | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Helophorus griseus | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Helophorus minutus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO834611 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Helophorus minutus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Helophorus minutus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley Brickpits |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Helophorus obscurus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO834611 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Helophorus obscurus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Hydrobius fuscipes | Meiklejohn, J.W., Foster, Prof G.N. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Hydrobius fuscipes | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO86F | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Hydrobius fuscipes | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Hydrobius fuscipes | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO842612 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Hydrobius fuscipes | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley Brickpits |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Hydrochus elongatus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO842612 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Hydrochus elongatus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO836609 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Hydrochus elongatus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO840607 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Hydrochus elongatus | Meiklejohn, J.W., Foster, Prof G.N. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Laccobius bipunctatus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO834611 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Laccobius minutus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO833608 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Laccobius minutus | Green, G.H., Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO834608 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Hydrophilidae | Laccobius striatulus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO834611 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Noteridae | Noterus clavicornis | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO836609 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Noteridae | Noterus clavicornis | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO833608 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Noteridae | Noterus clavicornis | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO837603 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Noteridae | Noterus clavicornis | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO86F | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae | Aphodius prodromus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO835609 | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Staphylinidae | Anotylus rugosus | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Staphylinidae | Lesteva heeri | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86F | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Staphylinidae | Lesteva longoelytrata | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Staphylinidae | Paederus littoralis | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Staphylinidae | Stenus juno | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Coleoptera | Staphylinidae | Stenus pallitarsis | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO835609 | Grimley |
Diptera | Cecidomyiidae | Dasineura crataegi | Day, J.J. | SO920558 | Crowle |
Hemiptera | Cimicidae | Anthocoris nemorum | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Hemiptera | Corixidae | Callicorixa praeusta | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Hemiptera | Corixidae | Cymatia coleoptrata | Green, G.H., Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO834608 | Grimley |
Hemiptera | Corixidae | Sigara lateralis | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Hemiptera | Gerridae | Gerris thoracicus | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Hemiptera | Hydrometridae | Hydrometra stagnorum | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86F | Grimley |
Hemiptera | Naucoridae | Ilyocoris cimicoides | Green, G H | SO831608 | Grimley |
Hemiptera | Nepidae | Nepa cinerea | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86F | Grimley |
Hemiptera | Notonectidae | Notonecta marmorea | Green, G.H., Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO834608 | Grimley |
Hemiptera | Pleidae | Plea minutissima | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Hemiptera | Saldidae | Saldula pallipes | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Hymenoptera | Formicidae | Myrmica rubra | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Insectivora | Talpidae | Talpa europaea | Day, J.J., Green, G.H. | SO834606 | Grimley Gravel Pit |
Lagomorpha | Leporidae | Lepus capensis | Day, J.J. | SO837616 | Arable field adjacent to Grimley Brickpit |
Lagomorpha | Leporidae | Oryctolagus cuniculus | Day, J.J. | SO825625 | A4133 Holt Fleet |
Lagomorpha | Leporidae | Oryctolagus cuniculus | Day, J.J. | SO835608 | Grimley Gravel Pit |
Pisces | Esocidae | Esox lucius | Green, G.H., Foster, Prof G.N. | SO834608 | Grimley |
Mollusca | Arionidae | Arion silvaticus | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Mollusca | Helicidae | Helix aspersa | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Mollusca | Limacidae | Deroceras reticulatum | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Mollusca | Limnaeidae | Lymnaea auricularia | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86F | Grimley |
Mollusca | Limnaeidae | Lymnaea palustris | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86F | Grimley |
Mollusca | Limnaeidae | Lymnaea peregra | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86F | Grimley |
Mollusca | Planorbidae | Anisus leucostoma | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86F | Grimley |
Mollusca | Planorbidae | Planorbis planorbis | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86F | Grimley |
Mollusca | Planorbidae | Planorbis planorbis | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Mollusca | Zonitidae | Oxychilus cellarius | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86F | Grimley |
Neuroptera | Sialidae | Sialis lutaria | Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86K | Grimley |
Pharyngobdellida | Erpobdellidae | Erpobdella octoculata | Green, G.H., Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86F | Grimley |
Rhynchobdellida | Piscicolidae | Pisicola geometra | Green, G.H., Meiklejohn, J.W. | SO86F | Grimley |
Thoracostei | Gasterosteidae | Gasterosteus aculeatus | Foster, Prof G.N. | SO86F | Grimley |
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