Mark Lawley

The British Bryological Society's week-long meeting in Worcestershire in April 2004 presents a fine opportunity for local naturalists to develop their understanding of mosses and liverworts. Much remains to be discovered about Worcestershire's bryoflora, which has been unjustly neglected since the days of J.B. Duncan in the first quarter of the 20th century.

In consequence, Team Worcestershire's reconnoitring excursions during the last year or so to sites ear-marked for exploration by the BBS in 2004 have turned up a number of species not seen in the county for many years, as well as others which had never been vouchered for vc 37.

Last winter, calcareous rock and soil on the north scarp of Bredon Hill produced Didymodon ferrugineus, Microbryum rectum, Tortella tortuosa and Scapania aspera new to the county. From more acidic substrates on the Malvern Hills, Joy Ricketts found Buxbaumia aphylla - a strange and very scarce moss with no leaves, which can therefore only be found when its large, lop-sided capsules develop in winter. Lorna Fraser found the uncommon Hedwigia ciliata, only recently distinguished from the commoner H. stellata, and Schistostega pennata also turned up, an iridescent moss which lines the earthen walls of disused rabbit-burrows on the Malverns, just as it does on the Long Mynd in Shropshire. Grimmia laevigata keeps company with Pterogonium gracile on Hangman's Hill, and Scleropodium tourettii adorns a disused quarry near Whiteleaved Oak. On Castlemorton Common Ann Hill collected Climacium dendroides from wet ground in a coppice. This distinctive moss has an unusually upright habit, just like a tree - hence its specific name. Nearby on the trunk of a hawthorn tree Rita Holmes discovered Microlejeunea ulicina, a minute liverwort with the delightful English name of Fairy Beads.

Several sites along the Teme Valley have attested bryodiversity. Thuidium philibertii grows among grass on Penny Hill, with Ditrichum gracile, Trichostomum crispulum and Weissia longifolia var. angustifolia in the disused quarry nearby. Crews Hill gave us Campylophyllum calcareum and Wissett's Wood near Mamble has Platygyrium repens, an epiphytic moss which looks just like Hypnum resupinatum except for prominent spiky clusters of propagules at the tips of its shoots, as well as a minute epiphytic liverwort called Cololejeunea minutissima. Both these species appear to be spreading across southern England. Indeed, like the epiphytic moss Ulota phyllantha, Cololejeunea minutissima was mainly coastal until a few years ago. The liverworts Lejeunea cavifolia and Nowellia curvifolia live in Hanley Dingle (the Nowellia is another species extending its distribution), and Eurhynchium schleicheri and Plagiochila britannica like the shallow soil enriched by underlying tufa at Southstone Rock.

Wyre Forest seldom disappoints, and recent visits revealed the mosses Leucobryum juniperoideum and Sphagnum inundatum, plus the liverworts Lejeunea lamacerina and Trichocolea tomentella.

Other sites in the county have also produced interesting records, most notably Harry Green's discovery of the Red Data Book liverwort Sphaerocarpos texanus on sandy soil in a field of rhubarb near Holt Fleet. S. texanus forms a pale green blob which looks as if it might have recently touched down from outer space, and can only be distinguished from its slightly commoner congener S. michelii by examining the size and papillosity of alveoli on the surface of its spores. Fortunately Harry's gathering was mature, and I understand he intends to dine out in bryological circles for some time to come on the back of this fine record.

With a recently revitalised local interest in bryology, and a deluge of further discoveries sure to materialise when the cream of cryptogamists visit the county next year, it seems regrettable that our changing perceptions of Worcestershire's bryoflora cannot be incorporated in the planned Flora of Worcestershire. To be sure, we still have much to learn about the occurrences and distributions of bryophytes in the county, but all the best regional Floras now include cryptogams.

Moreover, evidence of large gaps in our understanding is a powerful reason for publishing what we do know about Worcestershire's bryophytes rather than staying silent on the subject, for there can be no more certain stimulus to further exploration and discovery than a readily available summary of what has been found where.

I append a list of species which have been recorded and vouchered for vc 37 before 1950 but not more recently and for which modern vouchers are therefore required, followed by a more speculative list of species which have never been vouchered but are likely to occur somewhere in the county. It will be interesting to see how many species can be excused from these lists after April 2004. Do come and join the hunt.

When viewing these tables, please ensure that your page width is sufficient to prevent the names taking up more than one line, otherwise the names will not match.

Species which were recorded and vouchered for vc 37 before 1950, but have not been vouchered since, and for which modern vouchers are therefore required.

Anthoceros agrestis
Barbilophozia barbata
Cephaloziella rubella
Cephaloziella stellulifera
Kurzia sylvatica
Marsupella funckii
Odontoschisma sphagni
Pellia neesiana
Plagiochila spinulosa
Riccia fluitans
Scapania umbrosa
Targionia hypophylla
Tritomaria exsectiformis

Aloina rigida
Amblyodon dealbatus
Andreaea rothii subsp. falcata
Antitrichia curtipendula
Aphanorhegma patens
Atrichum angustatum
Bartramia ithyphylla
Bryum donianum
Bryum intermedium
Bryum uliginosum
Calliergon giganteum
Conardia compacta
Dicranum fuscescens
Didymodon acutus
Discelium nudum
Drepanocladus cossonii
Drepanocladus polygamus
Drepanocladus sendtneri
Entodon concinnus
Entosthodon fascicularis
Entosthodon obtusus
Eurhynchium speciosum
Fontinalis squamosa
Grimmia donniana
Grimmia orbicularis
Gymnostomum calcareum
Hedwigia stellata
Hennediella heimii
Microbryum curvicolle
Microbryum davallianum
Octodiceras fontanum
Orthotrichum striatum
Philonotis arnellii
Philonotis calcarea
Plagiomnium elatum
Plagiothecium ruthei
Pohlia proligera
Polytrichum alpinum
Pterygoneurum lamellatum
Pterygoneurum ovatum
Racomitrium aquaticum
Racomitrium canescens
Racomitrium ericoides
Rhynchostegiella curviseta
Schistidium elegantulum subsp. wilsonii
Schistidium rivulare
Schistidium strictum
Scorpidium scorpioides
Seligeria recurvata
Sphagnum capillifolium subsp. rubellum
Sphagnum cuspidatum
Sphagnum denticulatum
Sphagnum quinquefarium
Sphagnum tenellum
Syntrichia papillosa
Tomentypnum nitens
Tortula subulata var. angustata
Tortula subulata var. subulata
Weissia squarrosa
Weissia sterilis
Zygodon viridissimus var. stirtonii

Anthoceros agrestis
Barbilophozia barbata
Cephaloziella rubella
Cephaloziella stellulifera
Kurzia sylvatica
Marsupella funckii
Odontoschisma sphagni
Pellia neesiana
Plagiochila spinulosa sens.str.
Riccia fluitans
Scapania umbrosa
Targionia hypophylla
Tritomaria exsectiformis

Aloina rigida
Amblyodon dealbatus
Andreaea rothii ssp. falcata
Antitrichia curtipendula
Physcomitrella patens
Atrichum angustatum
Bartramia ithyphylla
Bryum donianum
Bryum intermedium
Bryum uliginosum
Calliergon giganteum
Amblystegium compactum
Dicranum fuscescens var. fuscescens
Barbula acuta
Discelium nudum
Drepanocladus revolvens var. intermedius
Campylium polygamum
Drepanocladus sendtneri
Entodon concinnus
Funaria fascicularis
Funaria obtusa
Eurhynchium speciosum
Fontinalis squamosa
Grimmia donniana var. donniana
Grimmia orbicularis
Gymnostomum calcareum
Hedwigia stellata
Pottia heimii
Phascum curvicolle
Pottia davalliana sensu lat.
Octodiceras fontanum
Orthotrichum striatum
Philonotis arnellii
Philonotis calcarea
Plagiomnium elatum
Plagiothecium ruthei
Pohlia proligera sens.str.
Polytrichum alpinum
Pterygoneurum lamellatum
Pterygoneurum ovatum
Racomitrium aquaticum
Racomitrium canescens sensu strict.
Racomitrium ericoides
Rhynchostegiella curviseta
Schistidium elegantulum subsp. wilsonii
Schistidium alpicola var. rivulare
Schistidium strictum
Scorpidium scorpioides
Seligeria recurvata
Sphagnum rubellum
Sphagnum cuspidatum
Sphagnum auriculatum var. auriculatum
Sphagnum quinquefarium
Sphagnum tenellum
Tortula papillosa
Homalothecium nitens
Tortula subulata var. angustata
Tortula subulata var. subulata
Weissia squarrosa
Weissia sterilis
Zygodon viridissimus var. stirtonii

Field Hornwort
Bearded Pawwort
Red Threadwort
Heath Threadwort
Wood Fingerwort
Funck's Rustwort
Bog-moss Flapwort
Nees' Pellia
Prickly Featherwort
Floating Crystalwort
Shady Earwort
Orobus-seed Liverwort
Larger Cut Notchwort

Rigid Aloe-moss
Short-tooth Hump-moss
Hunt's Rock-moss
Pendulous Wing-moss
Spreading Earth-moss
Lesser Smoothcap
Straight-leaved Apple-moss
Don's Thread-moss
Many-seasoned Thread-moss
Cernuous Thread-moss
Giant Spear-moss
Compact Feather-moss
Dusky Fork-moss
Pointed Beard-moss
Intermediate Hook-moss
Fertile Feather-moss
Chalk Hook-moss
Montagne's Cylinder-moss
Hasselquist's Hyssop
Blunt Cord-moss
Showy Feather-moss
Alpine Water-moss
Donn's Grimmia
Round-fruited Grimmia
Blunt-leaf Tufa-moss
Starry Hoar-moss
Heim's Pottia
Swan-necked Earth-moss
Smallest Pottia
Fountain Pocket-moss
Shaw's Bristle-moss
Arnell's Apple-moss
Thick-nerved Apple-moss
Tall Thyme-moss
Swamp Silk-moss
Bent-bud Thread-moss
Alpine Haircap
Spiral Chalk-moss
Oval-leaved Pottia
Narrow-leaved Fringe-moss
Hoary Fringe-moss
Dense Fringe-moss
Curve-stalked Feather-moss
Wilson's Grimmia
River Grimmia
Upright Brown Grimmia
Hooked Scorpion-moss
Recurved Rock-bristle
Red Bog-moss
Feathery Bog-moss
Cow-horn Bog-moss
Five-ranked Bog-moss
Soft Bog-moss
Marble Screw-moss
Woolly Feather-moss
Upright Screw-moss
Awl-leaved Screw-moss
Spreading-leaved Beardless-moss
Sterile Beardless-moss
Stirton's Yoke-moss

When viewing these tables, please ensure that your page width is sufficient to prevent the names taking up more than one line, otherwise the names will not match.

Species which have never been vouchered for vc 37, and are worth looking for.

Phaeoceros laevis
Cephalozia connivens
Cephaloziella hampeana
Diplophyllum obtusifolium
Leiocolea badensis
Lophozia sudetica
Porella cordaeana
Scapania gracilis

Andreaea rupestris
Bryum pallescens
Drepanocladus revolvens
Fissidens celticus
Hamatocaulis vernicosus
Plagiomnium ellipticum
Pohlia lescuriana
Racomitrium elongatum
Tortella nitida
Trichostomum tenuirostre
Zygodon rupestris

Phaeoceros laevis ssp. laevis
Cephalozia connivens
Cephaloziella hampeana
Diplophyllum obtusifolium
Leiocolea badensis
Lophozia sudetica
Porella cordaeana
Scapania gracilis

Andreaea rupestris
Bryum pallescens
Drepanocladus revolvens var. revolvens
Fissidens celticus
Drepanocladus vernicosus
Plagiomnium ellipticum
Pohlia lescuriana
Racomitrium elongatum
Tortella nitida
Oxystegus tenuirostris
Zygodon baumgartneri

Smooth Hornwort
Forcipated Pincerwort
Hampe's Threadwort
Blunt-leaved Earwort
Scarce Notchwort
Hill Notchwort
Cliff Scalewort
Western Earwort

Black Rock-moss
Tall-clustered Thread-moss
Rusty Hook-moss
Welsh Pocket-moss
Varnished Hook-moss
Marsh Thyme-moss
Pretty Nodding-moss
Long Fringe-moss
Neat Crisp-moss
Narrow-fruited Crisp-moss
Park Yoke-moss

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